Missing Power Pools...




Theres an interesting thread taking shape on the US boards, people discussing and calling for the introduction of the missing power pools (Teleport and Flight etc) for Kheldians -


This is quite a sensitive topic, but I'm sure that most people with Kheldian hero's will back it.



Kheldians get Flight/Teleport inherently, Flight with Nova form, and Teleport with Dwarf form... so I'm not bothered with it either.



I don't particularly want flight or Self TP, but its peripheral powers which would be very useful.

For instance, a peacebringer is in a fight and a friend dies, wouldn't Recall Friend be useful? then theres air superiority etc.



I don't particularly want flight or Self TP, but its peripheral powers which would be very useful.

For instance, a peacebringer is in a fight and a friend dies, wouldn't Recall Friend be useful? then theres air superiority etc.

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I'll let the support ATs take Recall Friend; they most likely have a much better followup power to use than I would as a PB. Air Superiority? Never really used it myself - apart from on a low level Hellion in Galaxy City on test .



what would you take? air sup.?

I think it will be useless since we already get half of them automaticly, plus additional powers.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



I'd definitely like to give my PB access to Teleport Foe for solo'ing and Recall friend for when I'm in a small team or in a position to transport team mates directly to a mission/specific location.

The_Private is right about the scenario's I gave, other AT's would have better follow up powers, but then other AT's are not always available.



Kheldians get Flight/Teleport inherently, Flight with Nova form, and Teleport with Dwarf form... so I'm not bothered with it either.

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They're moaning about the fact that you get a Hover and a Flight power, but no Air Superiority/ TP Friend and TP Self but no TP Foe.



...and TP Self but no TP Foe.

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There IS a TP Foe power, Starless Step at level 8 for WSs
There is also a group energy flight for PB. In fact, the only power missing is Air Sup., and that ain't something comparing to the other, better powers.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



...and TP Self but no TP Foe.

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There IS a TP Foe power, Starless Step at level 8 for WSs
There is also a group energy flight for PB. In fact, the only power missing is Air Sup., and that ain't something comparing to the other, better powers.

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And group TP

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