Roleplaying SG's, are there any left?




Well I play CoH/CoV and while having a lot fun I rarely see an roleplaying going on.
I'm thinking now of trying to find me a roleplaying SG, cause I would like to roleplay my toons now and then.
Are there any roleplaying SG's on Union to be found (hope so, since its the unofficial RP Server). Would be nice if someone could name some.
Or maybe if a member of a RP SG reads this and your SG searches for new members you can contact me.

But I have to send a warning. I'm not a very active member and like to switch chars (the concept of having a main char is unknown to me). Playing CoH since beta and my best hero is level 23 (best villain is also 23). So concerning Bases I woudn't be much of an effective player (I also don't need a Base at all). Besides I would like to able to decide on my own when to enter SG mode. All I look for is a bunch of nice easy going people I can roleplay with abit.
Would be perfect if the SG would accept more then one toon per player and also have a villain SG (I'll post a similiar post on the villains forum soon) for my villains would like to join a SG too.



There are plenty of RP supergroups out there. While I can't speak for any of the supergroups, there is a fairly large RP community that meets for social RP every night at the statue of Galaxy Girl in Galaxy City.

There are several RPSG's here who run IC missions as their SG, although entry into them is normally IC. While I don't think there are any direct villian/hero pairings, I'm sure the community as a whole has a couple.

Alts are always welcome, if you can out-alt Zortel the world may implode however.

GG isn't for everyone, but as a central hub for RP'ers it works fairly well. Join the global channel GGOOC and if there isn't a SG there to suit you, we can almost certainly pass you on to one that will.



The NHU are a good group. You could intoduce yourseld on their boards, here