Newbie PB




ive just got 50 and maide my PB im just wondering if there is any advie i should know at all. THANKS.



Don't expect instant überness, that comes with time and slotting.

Voids and quantums are annoying, but nothing to be afraid of. If you are looking for ways to defeat them, perhaps you should try "more violence".

Take the melee attacks and slot them. Build up+Incadescent Strike can make most enemies into a sitting target.

In Nova, range is your friend, knockback is your ally, and violence is your guardian angel.

In Dwarf, don't expect to kill anything fast. Wear the mob down slowly and keep them occupied.

Post-21 (Dwarf needs slotting), Build Up + Nova +AoEs followed by Dwarf is a reasonably effective way of almost killing an entire mob, and then surviving the alphastrike (where the entire mob will attack you).

If you are going for a tri-, or dual build, use human to "fill in the gaps". As your nova lacks defence, pick up that heal.

Shapeshift tactically, if you're gonna shapeshift at all. Don't be afraid to drop forms into Human to buff up. If you're in Dwarf and about to die anyway, shift into Human and hit Essence Boost then move back into Dwarf. If you die, you die, if not you are nigh-unstoppable.



thanks will keep it all in mind



first decide what you wanna be, human only, bi-form or tri-form. Make your pb according to that. Being a WS myself I may not have too much PB-specific advice, but some general kheld advice never hurts

First of all, your shapeshifts are limited in powers. What i mean is, nova, although strong only has 4 attacks. Dwarf, heavy resistance but only 3 attacks. If you want alot of moves, toggles, etc go human-only.

Light form, great move, but make sure you havent neglected your human powers, as you cant shapeshift with LF on.

Voids, they hurt and they hurt BAD. They CAN 1shot you, so take em out ASAP. As stated before, if brute force doesnt work, you arent using enough. If you can, stun or hold em first before you lay down the damage. After you got dwarf, that extra hp you get from the dwarf form lets you take a few blasts to the chin, enough to finish them off.

The tactic of 2 AoEs from nova before swapping dwarf is nice, however use your cone attack first and the aoe after. The aoe knocks em all over the place and has a longer range than the cone. So you risk knocking them out of cone range, meaning you have to close in and risk taking an alpha in nova.

Last of all.. respecs are your friend, almost everybody botches up their first kheld build. Try to specialize in 1 thing and dont try to pick EVERYthing it offers, as you wont have slots enough to make em useful.

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



The tactic of 2 AoEs from nova before swapping dwarf is nice, however use your cone attack first and the aoe after. The aoe knocks em all over the place and has a longer range than the cone. So you risk knocking them out of cone range, meaning you have to close in and risk taking an alpha in nova.

[/ QUOTE ]How obvious, thank you! I keep doing it the other way round, which is rather stupid.

I with I'd thought of that 23 levels ago...



I agree with what everyone has written so far, and i'm adding my own:

It is no shame to spend time around the test server. I personaly got tired of nova and dwarf, and therefore only took dwarf form and invested 2 forms in it so far, just for the 60% resistance per toggle. The Peacebringer's Human Form got a HUGE damage potential comparing to Warshade's controling potential. Be assure that for 40 levels, Shining and Quantum Shield(s), both 3 slotted with 3 resistance and another end reduction has been enough for my survivel, and I abjuct really well: fighting nemesis requires me to run the Smash/Lethal shield(Shining), but if I see a fake nem, my Energy shield(Quantum) will work for just one mob. Only wish i'd have found a better place for Thermal Shield, since its resistance to Fire/Cold is really effective against CoTs and Creys, and more.

One last thing, I have this quote i'm going around with in my toon description: "Kheldian is an art, don't let anyone tell you otherwise". Build your own builds, and advices are enough to make your own build that your fit YOUR playstyle, not anyone's else. My Peacebringer has HUGE slotting problems and I took time to think them through in order to be the best (IMO, of course)


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



I generally agree with everything said here, with a few additions.

My pb is tri-form, if you go this way note that some human form powers duplicate nova/dwarf powers.
Also human form is end heavy, although conserve energy helps, if you plan on fighting in human most of the time IMHO stamina is a must.

Remember toggles dont transfer to forms, but some click powers like hasten and build up do.

Personally at lvl 36 currently i have most of the good human powers, dont have a great deal of slotting problems, and really enjoy the tri-form being very versatile.

If you see me in game your welcome to ask me about my build.



don't expect 1 build to take you to 50. You will need to respec. I didn't find human form that viable in the lower levels so went from mainly nova to duo and then respec'd into tri in the 30's.

I wouldn't go for any of the ranged attacks on human form just stick to the melee attacts there.

Problem with the PB is that there are very many ways to make a good build and the only way you are truley going to find out which is best for you is by trying different builds/powers



yup the main issue with khelds is, figure out your own build. Just because somebody else is good with HIS builds, doesnt mean it's good in YOUR hands. Dont be afraid to spend alot of time finetuning your build, in the end you'll be a lean mean killing machine

"god, how many devs did hami have to sleep with to get ED?"

Total Cat @Stagefright



All good advice so far. I'd add that before taking on a quant or void it's worth popping a couple of lucks and a breakfree if you have one. You can take them out without but why risk being one shotted/stunned. Also the voids shields protect them from energy attacks so time it to hit them when the shield is down (18 seconds from them activating it by my rough counting) to increase the damage you do.

Gratz on 50 btw Saiya. I've not forgotten that you want to go one on one with Faulty but I'm without an internet connection at the moment so it'll have to wait a couple of weeks I'm afraid.



Thank alot all im just gonnna go with the flow make my own build.

thanks faulty cant wait to kick your [censored].........well try to any way