Absorb pain misfiring?




Someone posted about this a while ago and I, among others, assumed he was seeing things.

However, last night i was exemped down doing the first ss TF and on 3 seperate occasions ap was activated, i lost health and the target didnt recieve any. They weren't mogged or carrying any status effect that would prevent healing. Any one else experienced this?


Proud Member of the Liberty Legion

Venture - Emp/En Defender
Seph - Kat/SR Scrapper
Blizzard - Ice/Storm Controller
Legionelosis - Rad/Rad Defender



this also happens on healing aura and the kinetics heals that i've seen, someone can be standing on top of the healing radius and it will miss them.




Experienced this with absorb pain and a few other powers.

Most annoying was last night when summoning Jack Frost misfired



I suggested a while back that AB didn't work correctly and got shouted down. I am glad, sort of, that other people have seen this.



Could have happened to me the other night. Scrapper in the red , i fired of AP and he died a sec later.
It could have been lag on this instance though at least thats what i thought at the time now not so sure.