Post your kheldian binds here!




Ok Eazy asked me to come up with a bind to turn on his shields with one key so I thought that we could have a thread where we just post all of our useful binds, so here's the shield one I came up with:


/macro 1 "powexec_name Shining Shield$$bind e powexec_tray 2 9"

/macro 2 "powexec_name Quantum Shield$$bind e powexec_tray 1 9"

you'll get a macro called "1" and a macro called "2", move these to slots 1 and 2 in power tray 9.

When you press "e" - shining shield comes on, press it again and quantum shield comes on.

press "e" 2 more times and it switches them off.

If you want the key to just switch them on then use:

/macro 1 "powexec_toggleon Shining Shield$$bind e powexec_tray 2 9"

/macro 2 "powexec_toggleon Quantum Shield$$bind e powexec_tray 1 9"

then press "e" twice

and if you want a key to switch them off:

/macro 1 "powexec_toggleoff Shining Shield$$bind q powexec_tray 2 9"

/macro 2 "powexec_toggleoff Quantum Shield$$bind q powexec_tray 1 9"

press "q" twice.

If you have more shields then you can create a 3rd macro and expand the loop.

Also I found that you can't use the "powexec_auto" command because they aren't auto-click powers (before anyone asks ).

Oh yeah to save time - just copy the macros then paste them into the chat window using "ctrl+v"



The binding to another key in a macro is interesting but isn't it simpler to just use something like this:-

/bind o "powexec_toggleon Quantum Shield$$powexec_toggleon Shining Shield"
/bind lshift+o "powexec_toggleoff Quantum Shield$$powexec_toggleoff Shining Shield"

Then pressing "o" will turn Shining Shield on, then Quantum Shield the next time it's pressed (assuming neither was on to begin with). Pressing "o" while holding the left shift key will turn both armours off.

Note that such multifunction toggle-ons read from end to front when determining which armour to turn on first. So my girlfriends Ice Tanker Bind reads something like

/bind numpadenter "powexec_toggleon Icicles$$powexec_toggleon Chilling Embrace$$powexec_toggleon Glacial Armor$$powexec_toggleon Wet Ice$$powexec_toggleon Frozen Armor"

i.e. The most essential armours you might need when just rezzed in combat or ambushed go up first. powexec_toggleon is very convenient in this way.



The binding to another key in a macro is interesting but isn't it simpler to just use something like this:-

/bind o "powexec_toggleon Quantum Shield$$powexec_toggleon Shining Shield"
/bind lshift+o "powexec_toggleoff Quantum Shield$$powexec_toggleoff Shining Shield"

Then pressing "o" will turn Shining Shield on, then Quantum Shield the next time it's pressed (assuming neither was on to begin with). Pressing "o" while holding the left shift key will turn both armours off.

Note that such multifunction toggle-ons read from end to front when determining which armour to turn on first. So my girlfriends Ice Tanker Bind reads something like

/bind numpadenter "powexec_toggleon Icicles$$powexec_toggleon Chilling Embrace$$powexec_toggleon Glacial Armor$$powexec_toggleon Wet Ice$$powexec_toggleon Frozen Armor"

i.e. The most essential armours you might need when just rezzed in combat or ambushed go up first. powexec_toggleon is very convenient in this way.

[/ QUOTE ]

yeah I tried that last night but it wouldn't work for some reason - I need to test it a bit more after work tonight.

The reason I use macros is because I have loads of alts and always forget which keys I've binded - macros are easier for me to interrogate in-game



I accually use both. got too many powers and learned my leason during the WS power. power trays go soemthing like this:

--tab 6 (peramant powers for all time)
--tab 4 (human stuff) or tab 5 (forms stuff)
--tab 1 (human attacks) or tab 2 (dwarf attacks) or tab 3 (nova attacks)

now I have MOUSE4 and MOUSE5, the ones near the little finger, that changes stuff, via the macroes I have set on the alt tray number 9 and 0. and so, turning off forms and switching on different forms are done quickly with 3 keys


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



yeah I saw your binds for switching between the different forms and will implement them on my PB at the weekend.

Just out of interest - do you use shift/ctrl left-click/right-click for anything?



just the mouse really, all 5 buttons, and keyboard. no ctrl/shift/alt.


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



It's fascinating how each player seems to be comfortable with different means of control. I'm a heavy user of chord keys, I find overloading keys to be really helpful (e.g. H = heal other, lshift+h = heal self).

I agree with Macros being nice because they're easy to interrogate, btw. My form change/tray change shortcuts are all macros for this reason (Ctrl+1 = Human, Ctrl+2 = Squid, Ctrl+3 = Lobster). I make heavy use of /bind_savefile and /bind_loadfile to make managing binds easier - this also helps to keep binds as standardised between characters... every time I create a new character I load my standard binds from file and then customise only as much as I need to.



I agree. Many people got many different things to make themselves feel comf.

BTW, i've just invented something new: since you can't activate 3 toggles at once, i've created 3 macroes to change to human, one for each shield. 2nd respec? no problem, Human-Quantum macro is on standby. Need protection for wolves? Human-Shining for the rescue...


Double Flame 50 fire/devices
Double Shade 50 tri-form warshade
Double Light 50 dwarf-human peacebringer
Double Control 50 earth/rad



Ok probably seen so many times but a damn useful bind for all you WS out there who like to use your Teleport Travel Power.
Saves having to click constantly to reactivate the power.

I decided to bind mine to the 'v' key just as it suited me personally. another useful one could be to bind it to the left shift key as it is out of the way to the rest of the keys. Anyway here they are, for the shift one, just replace 'v' with 'lshift' :

/bind v "powexec_name Teleport"



FWIW the "traditional" teleport bind is:

/bind lshift+lbutton "powexec_name Teleport"

Then just hold down the left shift key and click on where you want to go to fire a teleport (keep shift down and click repeatedly for chain teleport).