Stacking Fear.
Fear is not a debuff, it's a status effect, like holds and stuns, and yes, it stacks from all powers.
Erm yes its a status effect, but it is also very much so a debuff... Accuracy Debuff. I find Touch of Fears most useful component is the Acc debuff which is why i'm asking about stacking the debuff. With Touch of Fear, Cloak of Darkness and Invoke Panic my thinking is that this could be my best defense... debuff the hell outta accuracy....
Fear itself does not have an accuracy debuff, it's a secondary effect of most (all?) dark powers. That secondary effect will stack from different sources (as will Fear)
Afaik, non-dark fear powers do not have a -acc effect, so Intimidate/Invoke Panic wont help in that regard, but stacking fears are nice anyway.
Icelock - Ice/Storm Controller
Command Bot 1 - Bot/Traps MM
Maybe hero planner is wrong and Invoke Panic doesnt accept Acc Debuff enhancements then?
Hmm has anyone got the power and can confirm whether it has an Acc debuff to it?
Any secondary effects like -Acc will stack.
What i want to know is does fear stack from different pools? I have an idea to make my Brute and all out Fear machine
For example.... DM/DA brute with Touch of Fear (2Acc 3 Tohit Debuffs and 1 fear duration) Cloak of fear (currently 2 end red and 1 Acc, but planned for 2 end red, 2 acc and 2 tohit debuffs). Now if the debuffs stack from fear i was thinking of dipping into the prescence pool to get the pbaoe 'invoke panic' but i need to know if the debuffs stack before starting this pool as i only have 3 powers left to take. (unless of course the cap is raised within the next wee while
Cheers Zeph.