Slotting Spectral Terror




I only intend to have one slot on this power, but what SO should I put in it?

Acc? - I've never seen it miss;
Recharg? - It recharges before it expires;
Fear duration? - I've never seen its fear effect wear off;
Range? - I assume this enhances the range at which it can be summoned rather than the cone range of the pet;
EndRed? - Seems like my best bet at the moment.

I really should do something about this signature.



I have an Acc in it, but that's just to be safe in PvP.

World of Jackcraft.



I have it 2acc 3 fear duration,works like a dream in pvp,even people with fear protection are in trouble



i have it slotted the same way.



for pure PvE use, like mine as im not a fan of PvP 2 slots of fear duration works a treat for me, leaving plenty of slots for my other powers. not sure how it would be good slotted for PvP though



2 acc 2 fear ftw!!!111!!!

CoX 50s: <ill/rad> <ice/ice> <fire/kin> <grav/sonic> <ice/storm> <earth/kin> <kin/elec> <cold/psy> <thugs/dark> <fire/dark> <dark/elec> <night widow> <EM/ninj> <mind/icy>