Union Badgehunters - Warden/Man In Black




It's that time again ladies and gents, this week we're going for:

Warden - Defeat 500 Prisoners


Man In Black - Defeat 100 Shivans

After some discussion with other members, I felt that, since these are fairly quick badges to get, we could to two this week. Now, timing is a tricky one. Sunday's not an option this week obviously, so if your interested, please post your @handle, your toon's name and what day(s) you are available.

P.S. Meet by Manticore, Brickstown, 6pm



Use @Spiritess, will be on as Spiritess. Could do with those two badges. Best nights for me are tonight (20th) or Thursday (from about 8pm). Or at some point on Saturday/Sunday (but can't give a definate time).

Willing to take part in any other badge hunts as well (need quite a few of them - especially GMs)



I'd be up for both of them, and more besides.

If it's a 6:00pm start I can only make Friday this week (this year for that matter ); other weekday evenings I can make after 6:30-7:00pm, plus Friday pm and Saturday am.



Up for this, Friday after 9pm then any other day after 12 am.

Edit: @Jiaozy, toon Jiaozy, lvl 50 Troller.



Just a quick reminder, assuming people turn up, this IS still going on tonight, 6PM.