SJ or IR ?




As a */kin corruptor im not totally sure what the best choice would be - Inertial Reduction or Super Jump for a primarily PvP based toon.

As far as i can see, CJ is needed for both maneuverability and the added defence, (plus it stacks with both IR and Hurdle.) SJ is a toggle -hence it can be interupted in battle, while IR cannot. Though with IR you can give temp jumping to others (which seems somewhat useless) but you cannot turn on and off the jump at your own leusire .... for whatever benefit that would be.

Not sure if the IR recharge overlaps, or if there is a wait and if IR should be slotted different than SJ.

So the question remains . IR or SJ?
Anyone have any thoughts, ideas or experience with this?



Well Cj has some nice immob protection but your only getting like 2% def out of the box.
TBH you shouldn't have SJ on in battle unless your PVP'ing as it uses alot of end .. imo SJ is the hardest of the travel powers to surpress and even when it is you can still jump a distance.
IR i heard dosn't get surpressed (not sure if this is true beacuse for example some powers are -jump) but i can see it wearing off in mid jump or something.
personaly on my kin controller i took SJ/CJ for the immob protection and jump on tap with no down time but i suppose its down to personal taste.




IR does not get suppressed, or well it didn't last time I checked.
It's 60 second duration with a 60 second recharge, meaning permable out of the box. A good overlapping with a single recharge, so you can prevent recasting it mid-jump.

Super Jump; while you can still jump a decent distance with it while suppressed, it won't have the Super Jump speed bonus, meaning people won't have a problem keeping up speedwise.



Ok, so go with IR, since it cannot be surpressed and easily made to overlap. Stack with CJ, Hurdle and then its all rocknroll i guess =)



Ok, so go with IR, since it cannot be surpressed and easily made to overlap. Stack with CJ, Hurdle and then its all rocknroll i guess =)

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However isn't IR a level 28 power, so you'll have to be careful when exemping.

@Unthing ... Mostly on Union.



I'd say go SS+IR, as hasten is VERY good power that you should pick, so SS only costs you one more power. Then you can use IR for vertical travel.