What's On - Villainous Defiant (Updated 21 Dec)




Here's a list of upcoming and regular events on the Defiant Server, with links to the relevant threads.

If you're organising an event on Defiant, email me (bridger@ncsoft.com) and I'll add the thread to this list.

<ul type="square">[*]Base Raid Events/League - organised by confess
[*]3vP Tournament - give PvP a try in a 3 vs 3 competition organised by Xanthus and Captain_Morgan
[*]A8PM - A regular daily Arena meeting, organised by jakku[/list]



Are any of these events still going?
I know Big Red K is a busy man, but it might be good to either update or remove these threads...



Well I know the base raid league that I was running was about 12 months ago before I stopped playing, so can scratch the first one.



None of them.

Probs be better if Ghost Raptor took it down and got something else up if possible communicating the Saucer Raids and Thursday night PvP.



Would be nice if they updated the website/forum with some sort of calendar function where you could add "events"...

...then again, forum works fine, might be better to spend the money on other things - and delete this thread!



Still not updated or deleted, and the forum REALLY doesn't work properly... Maybe they should just get a completely new, working, modern forum and whipe everything..
(keep old forum for a few months, locking threads so ppl can copy whatever they think should be remembered?)



Oh, i sooh wish they could do something about this thread...