TP Foe drone deaths
Sounds like a good idea, but to make it more interesting, I'd prefer to be TP's to a villain or hero type containment facility that I have to be either rescued from, or can escape from. Much more fun that way.
tbh ive not seen peeps tp others to the drones, but as uve read it happens alot, ive only seen em being brought to the hero pk to be 'removed' of their life lol but yes i draw the line at throwing them into drones thats just plain sad ¬.¬
I have read many of the threads pertaining the pvp zones due to my interest in that part of the game. One thing I am coming across in many threads is people's disatifation with tp foe being used to send people into arbitar drone range causing instant debt. My suggestion is if possible for the drones to tp you back to the entrance of your base either villains or heroes, thus you incur no debt and people would eventually stop trying to tp people into drones. Don't know if this is possible from a dev point of view but it can't be any harder than when you run into a ferry and are transported to another zone except the drones just transport you back to the start of the pvp zone. No suggestion to avoid people getting tped into npcs but this would be a start I guess.