How Would I...
As far as I know, you can't. The best you can do is choose a fairly linear map that makes it tough for the player to bypass any of the captives without stealth and make sure to put the captive that the boss triggers on further back on the map than the other two.
@Doctor Gemini
Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.
The only way would be to chain the release captives:
Captive 1 released spawns captive 2, which spawns captive 3, which spawns the boss.
However, there is circular logic fault protection in the AE editor, and that might go a little haywire. It also means that on a map, you might wind up with the following spawns showing up in areas you already cleared.
Well, the map is the Zig break out, so the captives are all pretty close to each other at the end in the cells. (You break out three prisoners and then Ms Liberty spawns.)
50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server
My arc ""The Legion of Mutants vs. The Iron Agents" (Arc ID 200364)" does this very thing if you want to check it out.
When you release the three mutants, two elite bosses spawn after their release. I set the Boss to spawn in the settings for the Bosses (set to spawn when captive is released...)
Red Warlock
- "The Shadow Rune of the Warlocks" (Arc ID 124319).
- "The Legion of Mutants vs. The Iron Agents" (Arc ID 200364).
- "The Children of Astoria" (Arc ID 217499)
Okay, I have it in a chain series of events now, but how do I have it so that when you break them out of prison, there are prison doors to knock down first? Is there a way to do this? Right now they are just sitting in their cells.
50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server
That's a map issue, and as such, there is no workaround.
Is it at least one that they are looking into or working on?
50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server
Check here: MA Map Request Thread
If you don't see anyone with a similar idea, suggest it. :-)
I'm working on an arc where you release three different captives and then a boss spawns. How would I set it up so that the boss spawns only after releasing all three (and have all three be in the mission from the very start)?
50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server