Possible AE Farming Solutions *DELETED*
i really have had it up to Atlas' forehead with these posts so all i am going to do is tell you to LEARN TO SEARCH!
The Cape Radio: You're not super until you put on the Cape!
DJ Enigma's Puzzle Factory: Co* Parody Commercials
Use your Search-fu before posting please.
There are many threads that come up about good ideas.
Most of the time it will end up that someone has probably already posted a thread or 5 on any idea that you think needs to be worked on.
This isn't to say that I don't think that you can't think up anything new, but the game has been around for a while and people have been thinking about ways to fix since before it was released.
So yeah, there are a lot of threads about how to fix the AE -
I posted on one here ::
It was also discussed on a thread that the box says that AE is level 1-50 content, so, apparently, adjusting the level range for AE use will not be happening.
Contains to where levels can access the AE and what level characters can be on the same AE mission team - that isn't on the box, so it is an option to do this.
Couldn't you find even one topic about AE to post in? Nope I guess this topic has unique ideas that nobody has ever thought of. Some ideas might be good, some might be bad, but at this point I think every possible idea has been covered.
Each word is a link to a different thread about issues with AE. I bet that if you read through each and every one of threads you would:
1) Need to smash somebody's face in
2) Realize arguing this topic is pointless
3) Find a corner to cry in
4) Wish you hadn't even bothered posting
5) Be stunned that there are that many threads on AE.
Active AE Topics:
Saving CoX - I gotta respect tenacity.
MA killed my family - for fun.
Recommended Reading:
A note to all the ANGRY folks
*Note: some threads are older than others, so be careful not to necropost.
K, I'll repost in the suggested listing you gave. Thx for the feedback
Vyolet, please read some of those discussions going on before you copy/paste. You'll find that some things are ALREADY being discussed. Catch up on the discussion and join. Don't just barge in.
Edit: and PLEASE read the note for the angry folks. It is heartwarming.
Post deleted by Vyolet