The First Annual Bridging the Gap Event!




We might as well make an event out of it.
Set up a CC or two and maybe have everyone hit the dancefloor after. Even if a radio station isn't hosting, dancing and chatting is still a good time. ("The Cape" is on just about all the time though, right? I'm not a great deal familiar with them, only tuned in a couple of times.)

Just a thought. Make it more worthwhile.
The main idea, Ouro Bridge, is fun and different but I was just thinking you might be able to beef it up a little bit with some random fun. Take care, see you tonight!



8-9 EST = 7-8 CST?
Time Changes confuse me, I thought it was the other way around.



Eastern is an hour in the future compared to central.

The further east you go, the more ahead time is.

Until you get past New Zealand.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Over halfway now!
We need all the help we can get, come on!



Yay! Mancrush is all about bridging gaps! It leads to more people to hug!!!



Who Hoo that was great fun! We made it all the way to the other side with just a few gaps! TY all that showed up to fulfill my crazy cupcake filled dream. TY angels and TY girl for all the advertising and help!



No worries! Was great fun!
Thanks Agent Crypto from The Cape Radio for the tunes and the VERY nice comments about our event! Wish you could have come Crypto!

Oh, and if anyone took some screen shots they should definitely post them!

Thanks Kegan!
And most importantly,
Thanks for everyone who showed up!



Oh, shoot. For some reason I thought this was going to be on Sunday.

Glad it was a hit!

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




That was great, Kegan! Thank you for putting that together for us.

If anyone has not seen an Ouros bridge, I didn't take many screenies because I was too busy dancing around Mancrush but >> Linkity to Screenie

We did make it to the other side, though there's a bit of a trick to moving forward all while filling in gaps for portals which have expired leaving gaps behind. Kins! God luv 'em.

And, Rook summed it up best when saying, "07-25-2009 19:40:23 [Broadcast] Inkharnahdyne: <color #ff0101>Its the striving to touch that is important...Michaelangelo understood that when he painted th Sistine Chapel."



Mancrush was dancing with an Ara and he didn't even know it! He had lots of fun at this and can't wait for next year's bi-annual repeat!

Although Mancrush is a bit sad cause he showed up a little late and must have arrived after all the cupcakes were eaten. He sure didn't see any. Mancrush thinks they must have been really good cupcakes!



So much fun! Thanks for organizing, Kegan!

Here are a few more screenies:

Bridge View

Angel View


Devoted, heart and soul, to Angry Angels and Jaded Angels