HO's vs IO's in pvp...?
Use both. Set bonuses are always nice. Hos add alot of stuff enahncement value wise than ios. Enzymes cents membranes and micros are very nice to use even in a top end io build.
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.
Yup. I always put at least two membraines in BU/Aim and a few micro's in my travel powers =) (Well... except when I had TP as my charge in/out power =x before travel suppress.)
Use both. Set bonuses are always nice. Hos add alot of stuff enahncement value wise than ios. Enzymes cents membranes and micros are very nice to use even in a top end io build.
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With DR an ioed build isn't that much diffrent from a regularly enhanced build sadly. (Besides pvp io's ofcourse) A friend and I were talking this over, just wandering what you all think? Besides pvp io's do you feel a Hami IO build is better,worse or identical to a IO build?