Looking for a few cool folks...




Howdy Freedom. I've been playing CoX on and off again since launch. I've taken a couple breaks away from the game because of being pulled away by other games (the most extended absence was thanks to about 3 years playing WoW). However, I've been back in game, along with a good RL friend, for several months now, and the 2 of us have built up our own cozy SG bases on both red and blue sides. We duo through most content (not Sf/TFs obviously), but we are hoping to get involved with a group of older (we're both professional 30-somethings) and laid back people who also enjoy the game for more "non-hardcore" elements. Some might read that last bit as "RP-lite", and perhaps thats what we are. Anyhoo, we're looking to establish a *small* group of folks who might want to integrate with our SGs on either side, or who might want to coalition with us, with the goal of running missions with larger groups, and doing the occasional TF/SF. Shoot me a tell or mail in-game, i'm @Budokon, or you can always rely here. Cheers!

*edited spelling. Spellchecker! KHAAANNN!*



Hey Scooty, welcome back from the darkside! Your more than welcome to join us, METAFORCE, as full active memebers or as a new coalition. We are a friendly group who team regularly for TFs, AEs, and reg mishes. If your interested you can PM me in game @Meta Brawler.

Join us today! meta_brawler@metaforce.us



Welcome back.

I highly recommend the weekly task forces that are run by Luna_de_Noctrune (Monday nights at 9:00PM CST). Fun people, skilled players, heck, you are hard pressed to find a better group to game with!

Watch the forums for sign ups! Also, there is an in game chat (Freedom TF Chat (i think))

Currently Playing:

A bunch of toons! (Freedom, Virtue, and a few on Infinity)



Welcome back.

I highly recommend the weekly task forces that are run by Luna_de_Noctrune (Monday nights at 9:00PM CST). Fun people, skilled players, heck, you are hard pressed to find a better group to game with!

Watch the forums for sign ups! Also, there is an in game chat (Freedom TF Chat (i think))

[/ QUOTE ] You are correct, our Global channel is named "Freedom TF Chat"

OP: hope to see you joining the events soon!



Looking for a few cool folks...

[/ QUOTE ]

Look no further!

Nice to meet you, Scootyjazz.



Send me a tell whenever you feel like playing. My handle is @Anonymous 666.