What is he saying on the radio?




OK, here's a relatively stupid question, but it's one that's been eating at me for... Probably years. What does a Mercs Mastermind say into his radio when he's calling in troops or supplies? I know he has three or four lines that he uses at random irrespective of what he's actually calling for (the dispatcher must be psychic or something) but I can only actually parse one:

Bravo 370

Which I guess could also mean "B370," which in turn can be code for... Something. I'm fine with not knowing what the codes mean. I'm sure not even the developer who put the messages in knew or cared what they meant. But I want to know what they SAY.

So... Anyone with a sharp ear or inside information think they can write them out?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



i believe hes ordering pizza that lazy slacker. becuase i swipped his radio once and theirs one touch ordering for all supplies on the key pad.



I didn't think the MM says anything. I always assumed the static crackly sound was the voice of the dispatcher replying to whatever my character had said.



Hmm... Well, our mouths don't move, so I can't really tell who's speaking, but I'm judging off timing. As the power goes:

Takes out radio
Pulls out antenna
Puts to mouth
*static* "Bravo 370" *static*
Takes away from mouth
Pulls down antenna
Puts radio away

If there were a quiet period where the character could be said to be talking on the radio and THEN the radio voice spoke, I could see that, but it really seems like the character puts his face on it, speaks, then pulls it away.

Of course, I've only played a male Mastermind. If the female one had the same male voice on the radio, that might be... Interesting. I can't say, though, and I don't feel like making a new Mastermind at the moment.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I have a female Merc MM. I'm almost certain its the same voice as when I've heard male Merc's use it.



Dang... Oh, well, so much for that idea. And I guess we'll never know what they say

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Its nothing at all. Just a bunch of letters, codes and junk said over some static to make it sound militant and organized. Just like in the old school grand theft auto games (part 1.. if you even remember it) when you stole a police car, the radio would be going off with a bunch of codes.

Those codes were bogus as my best friend is a cop and said it was just gibberish to make it sound professional.

When all hope seems to have drifted away.. and the shadows of death creep closer. Do not fear or cower.. do not make peace or seek salvation. For I will be there, supporting your movement. So give me your pain, weakness, despair, fear and doubt.. The Light will grant you another stand.



Well, I wouldn't expect to glean any meaning from them (just what the hell does Bravo 370 mean, anyway?), but it'd be nice if I at least knew the actual words and letters that were said over the radio, even if they don't mean anything. Some of those are definitely letters and numbers, but some seem to be whole sentences that just come off as one long line of guttural sounds.

Speaking of police, by the way, being around Police Drones also plays some staticky false-police chatter, with one specific one repeating often, and that I've heard in AT LEAST two different movies a couple of shows and one documentary. Then again, I also heard the Frocefields sound on a history programme on Discovery

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Well, I wouldn't expect to glean any meaning from them (just what the hell does Bravo 370 mean, anyway?), but it'd be nice if I at least knew the actual words and letters that were said over the radio, even if they don't mean anything. Some of those are definitely letters and numbers, but some seem to be whole sentences that just come off as one long line of guttural sounds.

Speaking of police, by the way, being around Police Drones also plays some staticky false-police chatter, with one specific one repeating often, and that I've heard in AT LEAST two different movies a couple of shows and one documentary. Then again, I also heard the Frocefields sound on a history programme on Discovery

[/ QUOTE ]

I find that any of the shows that want to show combat on a low budget (mostly history channel, lol) use mmo sounds. If you played LotRO, then you would also reconize the many variations of shouts and screams they use there.. the animal sounds from the wildlife in WoW is also very popular, so on and so forth.

When all hope seems to have drifted away.. and the shadows of death creep closer. Do not fear or cower.. do not make peace or seek salvation. For I will be there, supporting your movement. So give me your pain, weakness, despair, fear and doubt.. The Light will grant you another stand.



I suspect that's not exactly the case. There are packs of different sounds available on the internet as public domain that both MMOs and TV use, and City of Heroes is no exception. Before I15, footsteps on metal were identical to the sound of Power Suit footsteps in Ufo: Enemy Unknown and the sound of Proton Volley is still the same as an Ufo Plasma Cannon auto fire. There are others, but I just can't remember them offhand.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.