NPCs in SG bases
That would be kinda cool.
Would answer the question of "Who runs this place when we're not around?"
I'd say limit it more by so many allowed per room, based on room size. Extremely small rooms wouldn't allow any at all and very large ones could have 3 or 4.
Add a control panel type thing to tech teleport rooms that a NPC tech could be operating. A set of monitors near power and control items that a tech or mage could be watching. Maybe a couple guards near the entrance.
Have generic tech or magic types that cost a moderate amount of prestige and the ability to make custom characters for more prestige. Also, have a separate limit for NPCs so it doesn't count against any limits the room already has.
This would go a long way toward making our bases feel like people actually work and/or live in them.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I think it would be nice, and add a little character.
Hmmm base secretary and security guard/watchdog might be nice!
How about letting the SG bases not look so empty all the time?
I'd say allow for a few placable NPCs that would say one custom phrase when clicked on and doing an emote (like sitting at a desk or drinking coffee)
Custom character NPCs would be limited to maybe 5 per base and only placable / movable by the super leader.
What ya think?