Old McDonald Syndrome




While I'm not one to encourage playing the game as a farmer--maximizing reward versus time--I do like to have the option for whenever it's convenient. I have a Super Strength / Willpower Brute that really busts up the Rikti in their War Zone, and I've used that character several times to help teammates make that terrible trek from 49 to 50 in about two hours.

Now, I like that the zone is co-op and even has an Architect Entertainment in it for fighting non-Rikti enemies, but there's just one little facet that's keeping me from letting the Brute be the end-all for farming issues: drops and Influence. My villains collectively have over 300 million inf now, while the heroes are stuck around 150m... only, heh... This is primarily because of that Brute as well as getting a LotG +7.5% Recharge back before merits that I posted on the market for 10 inf and got rich off of...

Anyways, how does this apply to Kheldians? Well, I'm doing one of each archetype, see, and I still don't have a bust-em-up character hero-side. I still need to do Controller, Scrapper, and Warshade, and under no circumstances will I be going that Fire/Kin route (in fact, I'm considering Ice/Sonic for that one). Using a Scrapper's just shaping up to be Brute 2.0, so I'd really rather use a Warshade for these purposes.

So I ask of you guys: please fill me in on what Warshades can do in the upper levels. I'm sure things will become awesome, but I want to know ahead of time so I can plan this stuff out in advance.



So I ask of you guys: please fill me in on what Warshades can do in the upper levels. I'm sure things will become awesome, but I want to know ahead of time so I can plan this stuff out in advance.

[/ QUOTE ]
Woah d00d!!!!

Consider the following TriFormShade™ possible attack chain:
Black Dwarf Mire -> Eclipse -> Sunless Mire -> Gravity Well -> Unchain Essence -> Gravitic Emanation -> Dark Extraction -> Stygian Circle.

Whatever is left standing after that is either disoriented or on its way to a defeat because of the little fluffy energy ball of black/purple awesomeness, not to mention because Stygian Circle can refill both your HP/Endurance bars and leave you fresh and allow you to happily rinse and repeat the whole thing again!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati