Max Tickets
It's 1500 tickets per mission regardless of map size. The end of story ticket bonus is equal to the amount of tickets you earned during the mission, multiplied by a small modifier for subsequent missions, not to exceed the 1500 ticket cat per mission.
Math time: Suppose you have a 2 mission arc. First mission, and let's do easy numbers, you earn 200 tickets during the course of the mish. at the end, you'll be rewarded 200 extra tickets, for a total of 400 tickets.
second mission: you earn again 200 tickets, but the modifier for second missions is 1.05, iirc, so you'll earn an extra 10 ticket bonus at the end, so instead of 200, you get 210, bringing your total for that mission to 410 tickets.
suppose you're on a single mission large map though, and you earn 1475 tickets before you finish. when the mission completes, you only earn 25 more tickets. sorry, charlie, you hit the cap, you mission total is 1500 tickets. if you'd hit 1500 before complete, you wouldn't get anything, either.
is there anything i missed?
is there anything i missed?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yah, the dishes. Could you wash those please?
I hate doing dishes. >.<
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Heya folks, since there is a cap on how many tickets you can earn during a mission - i was wondering, is this affected by the map or is it a standard amount for all AE maps?
How about the end of an arc reward? What is this based on?
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