Dang and I wanted to go dual form so bad...




...but now I'm getting kinda addicted to triform. I didn't calculate how awesome black dwarf is compared to White dwarf.

I haven't done the double mire too much yet but I've grown fond of being able to mire and then either gravity well + blast a guy or switch to nova and use my AOES before it wears off.

My original plan was to be mostly human using dwarf for just mez resistance and the mire but I'm starting to love the triform. I think I'll still make that as my other build though.

As a side note, what were the devs thinking when they made nova form? I mean, perma flight, two great AOEs, more damage...I'm surprised I didn't get all my debt badges by level 20. I find myself making excuses to my teams, claiming that I'm just good friends with the floor and I wanna have a chat every now and then, but I think they know the truth...I'm addicted to putting up those awesome orange numbers...whether my teammates are next to me or clear across the map.

Well that's all I got. Oh, and yes, this post doesn't really have much point.