Need some bind help




I'm a newb to both Kheldian and binds, but I'm enjoying my level 13 PB very much.

I copied some binds from Plasma's excellent Kheldian guide that will let me easily switch forms and active trays, and was able to get them set to the keys I wanted. However, I'd like have the bind that changes my PB to human form also turn on her shields--I know it can be done, but I'm not sure how to do it!

Here's the bind I have currently for Nova form:

v "powexec_toggleoff Bright Nova$$goto_tray 3$$powexec_toggleon White Dwarf$$bind_load_file c:\Program Files\binds\pb_whitedwarf.txt"
g "powexec_toggleoff Bright Nova$$goto_tray 1$$bind_load_file c:\binds\pb_humanform.txt"

Do I insert the command to turn on a shield, Shining Shield for instance, in this bind file, or the human form file, (shown below) and where do I put it?

v "powexec_toggleon White Dwarf$$bind SHIFT+LBUTTON powexec_name White Dwarf Step$$goto_tray 3$$bind_load_file c:\binds\pb_whitedwarf.txt"
g "powexec_toggleon Bright Nova$$goto_tray 4$$bind_load_file c:\binds\pb_nova.txt"

Help would be greatly appreciated!

My Characters

Knight Court--A CoH Story Complete 2/3/2012



g "powexec_toggleoff Bright Nova$$goto_tray 1$$powexec_toggleon energy shield$$bind_load_file c:\binds\pb_humanform.txt"

Note that you can only activate one power in a bind or macro at a time. So in order to toggle on two or three shields, you would need to add the commands and hit the key two or three times.