What powers come from where?




Having recently spent a few days getting a Warshade to 32 and delighting in the soul-stealing melee machine that comes with double mires and Dwarf form, I've found myself poking around the Kheldian forum here, and something was mentioned that stirred my curiousity; the fact that a great deal of Kheldian powers are, essentially, slightly altered powers from existing sets in the game.

I was wondering which powers the Kheldian powers are based off of, partially for my own curiousity and partially because I find myself wanting to plot out theoretical 'epic' pools for them extrapolating from powers they already have.

Originally Posted by reiella View Post
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right .



Generally speaking, most of the Warshade powers are based on those from Dark Armor and Dark Miasma. Peacebringers powers are taken from all over. You can find similar abilities in Energy Blast, Energy Melee, Traps, Storm Summoning, and Super Strength depending on which powers you're looking at.



Peacebringer: Gleaming Bolt; it can be seen as a stolen Ice blaster animation.

Glinting eye: By now this should be obvious, either X-ray beam from Rad or laser beam eyes animation.

Gleaming Blast; the animation is that of many blaster AT's.

Bright Nova - original, completely.

Radiant Strike: Uses the super strenth punch animation.

Proton Scatter: Original looking, but one could argue its a blaster cone attack.

Build up: Obvious here.

Luminous Detonation: blaster target AoE(see Fireball or Ball lightning)

Incandescent Strike: Has the total focus animation.

Pulsar: Has the flash animation from Illusion control. Or the Short Circuit animation from Elec AT.

Glowing Touch: Uses the heal other animation from Empathy, or the O2 boost animation.

Solar Flare: Uses foot stomp animation from Super Strength, or Stone melee's Fault.

Dawn Strike: uses blaster AT nova animation, or inferno animation.

All the kheld shields look like bubbles from the FF set.

Essence Boost: Dull Pain duplicate.

Group Energy flight: Group flight.

White Dwarf - Uses foot stomp animation for White Dwarf Flare.

Conserve Energy: See Tank energy APP

Light Form : Unstoppable from the Invul Tank AT. Including crash.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."




Shadow Bolt: pretty much the same as the bringer animation.

Ebon Eye- Same as Kheld (X-ray beam, etc)

Gravimetric Snare- While looking very cool, it's basiacally a standard controller immobile, uses gleaming blast animation,

Dark Nova - see my first post

Shadow Blast - uses common blaster double hand push animation.

Starless Step- Tp foe animation.

Sunless Mire- See Dark melee , Dark Consumption.

Dark Detonation- Targetted Aoe, just like fireball.

Gravity Well- Uses single extended hand animation. Very common controller single hold animation.

Essence Drain - Dark melee's Siphon Life animation.

Unchain Essence. Uses controller pet summon (earth pet for one).

Dark Extraction - see above.

Quasar- Nova or inferno animation.

Shields as the bringer are FF duplicates.

Orbiting death. Original look. It can be seen as an oppressive gloom or death shroud clone (Dark melee) but its looks completely original.

Shadow cloak: Cloak of Darkness (DM)

Stygian Circle: Dark Consumption and Oppressive gloom combined, animation is that of invul's Invincbility, or WP's Rttc.

Inky Aspect : Soul Transfer (DM)

Stygian Return - Soul Transfer (DM)

Eclipse - Completely original, cool looking as well. One could argue it uses the same res boost as Ice Armor's energy absorbtion ability. By that example, yes it does use enemies for more defense/res.

"If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything"

"You're like Giraffe's, the way you look down on me, with your vegetarian scorn."



The fact that the first blast is always really fast recharging and low damage, lower than most others of its kind, and that the second attack is an eye beam, is very reminiscent of Radiation Blast. And the Peacebringer melee powers definately seem a lot like Energy Melee.

While I can certainly see the connection between Dark Blast/Melee/Armor/Miasma and Warshades, however, I think the fact that the Warshade feeds off DEAD foes makes it extremely unique. I don't know of anything else that comes close to that, except possibly Radiation's Fallout.

I'll add that Iridescent Strike pretty much IS Total Focus. It is the same damage scale, End cost and recharge as well as animation. Also, while Orbiting Death is similar to Death Shroud or other melee AoE toggles, it has a 20 foot radius, instead of something like 8 ft. That's impressive, and the first time I saw it in action, I was pretty shocked at how much radius it had. Of course, it's also an aggro magnet, but that's kind of the drawback of having a 20 ft "taunt" aura.



Mechanically speaking, yes, an awful lot of kheldian powers were copy/pasted from other sets, with minor alterations as to damage type and secondary effects, and of course new VFX slapped on top. Some of them have gradually diverged from their original model, either due to kheldian buffs or alterations to the sets the powers were based on.
<ul type="square">[*]The bolt and eyebeam powers are, as noted, carbon copies of Neutrino Bolt and X-Ray Beam.[*]Incandescent Strike is Total Focus with a hold instead of a stun.[*]Solar Flare is Footstomp, unfortunately as it was before it was changed to knockdown.[*]Glowing Touch is Heal Other with a stupidly short range.[*]Essence Boost is Dull Pain/Hoarfrost/Earth's Embrace.[*]Reform Essence is Reconstruction.[*]Conserve Energy is (*drumroll*)...Conserve Energy.[*]Group Energy Flight is, for reasons known only to Geko (and I suspect only dimly even to him ), Group Fly.[*]Restore Essence is Revive.[*]Light Form is Unstoppable.[*]Combat Flight and Energy Flight are Hover and Fly.[*]Starless Step is Teleport Foe, including the rank- and level-based restrictions.[*]Sunless Mire is (old) Soul Drain with a slightly larger radius.[*]Essence Drain is (old) Siphon Life.[*]Stygian Circle was, originally, an exact copy of Dark Regeneration, including the oldschool 49 point endurance cost (!!), save that it required dead targets, thus making it virutally useless. This was a major contributor in the early and largely justified belief that Warshades were bordering on unplayable, along with fun stuff like the inherent -30% Kheldian resistances to everything and the fun bug that made all Dark Nova powers cost far more than they should have. Fortunately Stygian was changed fairly quickly.[*]Shadow Cloak is Cloak of Darkness.[*]Inky Aspect is Oppressive Gloom.[*]Eclipse is modeled after of Energy Absorption, but with resistance rather than defense. Eclipse has seen at least two buffs, and I don't recall exactly how the original version stacked up--I think it may originally have been just a drain on the order of Power Sink, but my memory is unreliable on that point.[*]Stygian Return is Soul Transfer without the mag 30 stun, or in fact any stun at all [*]Shadow Recall and Shadow Step are Recall Friend and Teleport.[*]Gravity Well has some mechanical resemblance to Freezing Touch and Shocking Grasp in being a damaging melee-range hold, but is almost certainly based on Midnight Grasp; they have the same animation and originally delivered damage+mez in the same way (an initial hit plus 10 ticks of DoT over 10 seconds), but neither the original nor the buffed version exactly match the damage/end/recharge profile of any other power. [*]Unchain Essence bares some superficial resemblance to Fallout, but has too many differences for Fallout to be more than a distant inspiration.[/list]Everything else is either unique (not all that much, really) or so standardized that it can't really be said to derive from anything in specific.



Proton Scatter: Original looking, but one could argue its a blaster cone attack.

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its the animation for fulcrum shift...