Forms, set bonuses, human form auto powers




I've heard a lot of answers about whether or not set bonuses from powers in one form carry over to others, and another lot of answers about human form auto powers carrying over to nova and dwarf forms. (Strangely, no one has claimed that nova or dwarf auto powers carry over to the others....)

I was pretty sure from way back that neither set bonuses nor any auto powers carry over, but the chaotic responses I've seen on Help channels has me wondering.

Any authoritative answers here?



The most authoritative answer would be given to you by the Attribute Monitor. Take your TriForm Kheldian of choice for a test-ride with the Attribute Monitor window open and check all possible scenarios.

To save you some time though, I can say that set bonuses do carry over, but auto-powers carry over for such a short period of time it is negligible in effect.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



LordXenite is correct.

The only addendum I have is that the inherent is an exception to the rule on passive powers. Unlike other passive ("auto") powers, the inherent is always on regardless of form.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server




Ok, set bonuses carry over. But what about things like the +regen/recovery uniques and the Chance for +end? If those enhancements are slotted in health and stamina respectively would the bonuses carry over to dwarf and nova forms?



Well, you're asking a couple of different questions here. There are two types of Uniques - ones that function as Set Bonuses and procs. The ones that function as Set Bonuses will carry over just like Set Bonuses do.

The procs, however, will need to be renewed. Usually they're on a 120 second timer, meaning you'll have to activate them every two minutes. In order to get the benefits from, say, a Numina Unique slotted in Health, you'd have to hit human form for a second or two every two minutes. Once applied, the bonus would last for two minutes regardless of what form you are using before needing to be renewed again by dropping back to human form.

Normally this isn't a problem for tri-formers unless you're tanking something in Dwarf and dropping to human even for a moment would be lethal. If you plan to spend a great deal of time in Dwarf you might consider placing some of your procs there rather than in human form (i.e. in Sublimation/Drain rather than Health for the Big Three procs).

Popular "function as set bonus" IOs:<ul type="square">[*]Luck of the Gambler: +recharge[*]Steadfast Protection: resistance/defense (only the defense part functions as a Set Bonus)[*]Steadfast Protection: KB protect[*]Karma: KB protect[*]Blessing of the Zephyr: KB protect[*]Aegis: status resist[*]Winter's Gift: slow resist[*]Impervious Skin: status resist (not Unique)[/list]Popular proc IOs<ul type="square">[*]Numina's Convalescence: +regen/+recovery[*]Miracle: +recovery[*]Regenerative Tissue: +regen[*]Kismet: +accuracy[*]Performance Shifter: chance for +end (not Unique)[/list]
So to answer your specific questions: yes, a Numina slotted in Health would provide the +regen/+recovery in Nova/Dwarf forms, provided you'd been in human form sometime in the last two minutes to activate it. Same as any click power if that helps you to think about it that way.

As for Performance Shifter's Chance for +End, that's a chance for a one-time bonus rather than a buff (you just have a chance to get a chunk of endurance rather than a buff that always helps with endurance). This would therefore work only in human form. You'd no longer be rolling for 'chances for end' when in another form, though of course any bonus endurance you got while in human form you would retain.

The other popular proc IOs give a buff for 120 seconds but any proc that's "chance for ___" is going to just roll every so often and possibly produce that effect. IOs like this will never work in other forms since the power they are in must be active for the "chance for ___" roll to occur. So if it's in Stamina, you have to be in human form to get benefit.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Thanks. I've been wondering about the particulars for a while now, appreciate it!