What Do I need To Do Now




Forgive me , because my search-fu is weak, and I'm out the door to teach my class, so...
Now that the new MA changes have taken place (And I'm not even entirely sure what they are), what do I need to do to update my 3 arcs now?
Also I might add that all 3 of mine are custom, including all custom critters.

Thanks in Advance!



I don't know everything that has changed or the details but I figure I'll find those out while I review. Some things I'm planning to look at are:

1) Set the arc level ranges.

2) Review all custom creature's power selections and possibly adjust them using the new customization options.

3) Play around customizing the standard critters that are in custom groups so they fit in better. This will probably require some dialog changes.

4) Review spawn points now that we can see them on the mini-maps and possibly move objectives to make them more logical.

5) Figure out which goals have had a trigger added and consider changing the missions to take advantage of options that weren't available before.

6) Look to see how much the size decreased to see if I can flesh out my custom groups with one or two new custom critters for more variety.

7) Review and select from the new search keywords - possibly rewrite the summary to drop the old tags in favor of more description.

Then test them.



8) Add a contact description.



I've already checked my missions to make sure they work, and it was a good thing I did, one was invalidated by a now-unallowed power combo on a boss.

All that above sounds like good things to check over too.