"singular" objectives get numbers now - bug?




I have a mission in one of my arcs which contains 13 collection objectives (computers).

Nine of them are simply duds and don't do anything.

Three are alarmed and trigger ambushes.

One is the required objective and completes the mission.

All of these have the singular navigation text set to "upload the file" and the plural navigation text set to blank. This used to mean that the navigation text in the compass said "upload the file" no matter how many of the computers had been clicked, and it looked neat and proper.

Now the navigation bar says "13 upload the file", counting down when each computer is clicked, which of course looks horrible and is also not how the help-text in the MA interface describes that the singular navigation text should work. The help text says that the singular text will NOT be numbered and if we want a number in there we have to explicitly add it ourselves.

Has anyone else noticed this and is there a solution?

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Hmm.. have only recently noticed that it actually stacks different objectives that share names so I can't tell if it is changed (with pluralis blank I think it takes that as it having the name of the object per default which seems to be what you are experiencing), but

For now I suggest actually _adding_ a Pluralis to them all like:

Files to Upload

And making the Singularis

One Final File to Upload (How unlucky can you get?)

//AtCbM// www.crystalblue.dk
Victory - Mare,Dagger of Pain,Keep,Hogun and Bloodpetal
The Keep-Arcs: 164260, 188373, 192610, 196090 and funny side-chapter 218575.
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Can't you leave the dudds blank for the singular as well when they're not a required mission objective?



There are ways I can work around this but I would very much have preferred to keep it the way it was. I also don't want to change this now and then they fix the bug - if it is a bug - and I have to change it back again. If this is working as intended and we're not supposed to be able to do this I want to know so I can start figuring out a way to work around it.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



There does seem to be a difference now in that if you have the singular text in place it will place the objective in the nav bar. I had a misison that had a non-required objective that now shows up in the nav bar because it had singular text. However, my guess is that this is an improvement and not a bug.

The reason is that the way it works now provides more flexibility while taking nothing away. If you wanted all those non-required objectives to appear in the nav bar there was no way to do that before. Now there is, and if you don't want them to appear in the nav bar, you just don't specify any singular or plural text.



I have not seen any of this, but then again I don't set decoy objectives to be required in the first place.



Finally getting a chance to look into this. It doesn't seem to be Working As Designed, or the design is bad:

For this mission I have one allied Fusionette and four enemies. The ally objective is called "Fusionette", the navbar text says "Investigate the doctor's claims". The boss objectives are called "Fusionette?" and their navbar texts are blank.

In the mission they show up as "Investigate the doctor's claims, 4 Fusionette?" which isn't what I wanted.

I then changed all of them to have the same singular text "Investigate The Doctor's claims". Now they show up in the mission as "5 Investigate The Doctor's claims".

Either way, it's wrong!

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522