Bur recipes with AE tickets below level 50?
You have to adjust the level slider at the top to the level of the generic IO recipe you want ... ie set it to 15 for L15s 45 for L45s ... it took me a bit to notice that as well.
Thanks a lot that was it. I didn't know you had to be right on the exact level for them to appear.
Just fyi, Merit Venders work the same way.
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV
In my experience, moving the ticket slider only affects what he displays as "on sale." The actual purchases still drop according to your level and restrictions. For example, slide it down to 10 and buy a bronze roll when you are level 50 and the resulting recipe will be at the cap for it's level (usually 30) instead of 10.
OK i'm talking about just regular recipes not set ones. Anyone know why they aren't available below level 50? Is this a bug or working as intended? I was currently looking to buy lvl 45 ones with spare tickets i had and they do not appear in the ae ticket vendor.