Soloing AVs?




I'm rather new to the HEATs so I am a bit curious; can both Kheldians solo AVs?



We had a thread about it a couple months ago (can't seem to find it now, might have been purged), and I think the general consensus was no for either one.



That was, indeed, the general consensus.

The biggest part of the issue was getting enough DPS to beat the AVs regen. Staying alive wasn't so much a problem; people have put together softcapped Ranged defense builds before and Peacebringers in particular are well suited to the task thanks to their self-contained heals.

Overall, anyone interested in attempting it should probably emulate a Blaster playstyle. Shift into Nova Form and blast away; only drop form to heal or, in the case of Warshades, self-buff.



Thanks for the info.