TF Scranker - Sara Moore Run - 6/23 7 PM PST
sara is 40-50 make sure you have enough high levels otherwise massacre at end
as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.
You can count me in. Viva la Task Force Scranker!
Soul Fane: 50 DM/Invul Scrapper
Count me in: October Demon.

I'll be there again with Brunhilda Tyrsdottir.
Sounds like chaos ... I mean fun ... if you want another tanker im in "Phenom X4"
Mains: Xero Curve, King Geo, Ahnix, Sphere of Light.
Globals: @XeroCurve, @ZeroCurve
Sounds like chaos ... I mean fun ... if you want another tanker im in "Phenom X4"
[/ QUOTE ]
Any tanker that would willingly team with a bunch of crazy scrappers is alright in my book
Infatum on Virtueverse
Forming up in the Shard now, bring a few awakens and a good hearty thirst for violence.
Infatum on Virtueverse
I cant make it, my apologies :/

me neither, just got in from school, can run with you guys sat or sun. i was one of the scrappers on that team that did the t/f in 3 hrs.
Our run was successful at 2:51. We hit numerous rough patches due to stacking Vengeance, but in the end we prevailed
Ruladak the Weak was put firmly in his place, and much Rularuu butt was kicked by all.
Many thanks to all of Task Force Scranker! I should have some details up about a Thursday Justin run up sometime tomorrow. I also must give credit to Zero-Celsius who joined up despite my warnings and showed us all that Blasters can scrap it up with the best of us!
Great job again everyone!
Infatum on Virtueverse
So this past weekend I threw together a Dr. Quaterfield and it was actually a lot of fun (Hard to believe, I know). We had 6 Scrappers and 2 Tankers, and a big heaping helping of unbridled chaos. Completed the entire thing in 3:47 which I like to think is impressive given most of us (including myself) had never even done it before.
The whole thing went so well, that several of us are hankering to do it all over again. So here's the deal:
Sara Moore Task Force
Levels 40-50
Tuesday 6/23
10:00 PM EST/7:00 PM PST
Scrappers and Tankers Only
Our MO will be the same as the Dr. Q. run: Charge, Wait for No One, Team Split as frequently as possible.
If you need a Mentor for this level range please keep in mind that it will be up to you to keep up with them, some of us are particularly hard to keep up with especially when "stealthing" missions by dismissively ignoring ambushes and other spawns.
Please post here if you'll be attending, if we don't get enough we'll recruit until full on Virtue Badges tomorrow night.
Roster (5/8):
Brunhilda Tyrsdottir
Soul Fane
October Demon
Phenom X4
Infatum on Virtueverse