Should this character stay?




I have yet to see a team focused fire/kin build. But maybe thats just the people I see in atlas running around.

Fire doesn't have my ire, kin does. I enjoy my fire/rad tons.

Besides, can't someone make some innocent hyperbole these days? What do I care if you focus on damage on a fire/kin, it's your money. Just don't expect me to have you on my team.



Fire doesn't have my ire, kin does. I enjoy my fire/rad tons.

[/ QUOTE ]

If and when I get the character to the point where he can solo effectively -- which I gather is the attractiveness of fire/kin -- it may be a different matter entirely.

But I think it's kind of ironic that my chief complaint is that the character has too much control and not enough damage. nly the buffs of the secondary, not the controls I offer through the primary, seem to be noticed or wanted on teams.

Right now, on a team I look at myself as a "healer" of blue bars. I'm also working on being Not That Annoying Controller, and letting the tankers herd a little and concentrate the mobs before holding or immobilizing them en masse. Density is more important to me than Speed Boost, because of SB's unpleasant side effect.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Kin is a great healer of blue bars, and kudos to you on not immobing before the tank is ready!

As far as I can tell, if you like the character, keep plugging along and it'll get better, and you'll be able to solo up a storm later on, and if ever hour feels like 10...perhaps it's not the char for you.



I have yet to see a team focused fire/kin build. But maybe thats just the people I see in atlas running around.

[/ QUOTE ] Gee, you think? My fire/kin is centered all around hot feet.....leadership.....I do use SB......oh my .

Besides, can't someone make some innocent hyperbole these days?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure, but make an innocent hyperbole first.

What do I care if you focus on damage on a fire/kin, it's your money.

[/ QUOTE ]

Didn't I just say that I don't focus on damage?

Just don't expect me to have you on my team.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your loss; I'm a pretty darn good teammate to have on any of my controllers.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



I have yet to see a team focused fire/kin build. But maybe thats just the people I see in atlas running around.

[/ QUOTE ] Gee, you think? My fire/kin is centered all around hot feet.....leadership.....I do use SB......oh my .

Besides, can't someone make some innocent hyperbole these days?

[/ QUOTE ]

Sure, but make an innocent hyperbole first.

What do I care if you focus on damage on a fire/kin, it's your money.

[/ QUOTE ]

Didn't I just say that I don't focus on damage?

Just don't expect me to have you on my team.

[/ QUOTE ]

Your loss; I'm a pretty darn good teammate to have on any of my controllers.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wasn't talking about you... I was talking about the other fire/kins...the non team focused ones...

I need to work on being clear on the forums

*edit* also, why is it that people on these forums like to get offended? I really don't feel the need to get offended, nearly ever, I enjoy a good argument here and there, but I don't understand the need to get all hot under the collar over something as pointless as this.



Oh, I'm not offended. I'm taking part in a discussion about a game; very little to offend. Someone comes into the discussion making gross unclear generalizations in a thread where someone slightly unfamiliar with the AT is asking questions. You'll get called to task making blanket statements and your last post did come off personal.... the word "you" sometimes does unless you qualify first. You have no problem coming in and "blasting away" and then use the thin skin argument when someone calls you out. So is the way of the internet.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Hmm, well I'll apologize for personal statements, or "gross generalizations" but I was merely kidding.

I'm not using the "thin skin" argument because I was called out, I'm using it because I see no reason for a continued...argument...thing?



Not sure what's so wrong with "damage first". I just posted this for Local's Ill/Rad guide, so have the text handy:

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
Fire control Dam Act DPA
Ring of Fire 33.6 1.17 25.45
Char 33.6 1.07 25.45

Fire Blast Dam Act DPA
Flares 63.19 1 53.19
Fire Blast 92.576 1.67 50.10
</pre><hr />

With containment, if you can match a fire blaster's ST output (albeit w/o defiance or BU or Aim, but they can't FS themselves either) while holding/immobing something, why not? Not saying by any stretch that this is the only, or even preferred, way to go, but it's certainly a good option to consider.

Note, this mostly goes for fire controllers--the other control sets do not offer this level of damage. Like anyone needs to be told this.

Mind you, if I ever see a Fire/* w/o FF slotted (for stuns!) or even Cinders (again, for holds!), I tend to tear out my hair, but taking some of your control powers and slotting for damage is a very valid tactic, esp for Char &amp; RoF (also Bonfire, but we won't get into that here; Hotfeet goes w/o saying).

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Now, don't get me wrong, dave. I'm not dismissing what fire can do damage wise, but I believe control should be a priority.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



The person making dumb generalizations seems to be backing off, but just in case anyone wants proof of team centric Fire/Kin builds, I'm perfectly willing to post my build that includes SB (of course) Maneuvers and Recall Friend.

My Fire/Kin was my second ever 50, and lest you accuse me of being a flavor of the month lover or PL'er, my FIRST 50 was a TA/A (as anti FOTM as you can get when he hit 50 around i10), and my Fire/Kin was not PL'd one bit.

I did recently respec out of ID, but that's because (imo) ID is much, much more useful at the lower levels when your tanks and scraps have not fully fleshed out their builds. In the late 30's and later I found myself only using it to wake people out of mezzes, but even that is less useful now that you can combine for inspirations.

So let's take it easy on the Fire/Kin generalizations.



I'm back to make more dumb generalizations!'s an OPINION

more power to Heraclea if they can stand fire/kin, sure couldn't.



&lt;QR Again&gt;

In the build Heraclea posted, 5 powers came from her Secondary and only 4 from her Primary. Of those 5 secondary powers, 2 have no benefits for Her own character. Her other powers were for Travel and QoL.

What she didn't have were the powers that make Fire Control potent in doing damage and 'locking down' enemies. And she specifically mentioned being pushed to make power-choices based on their utility for 'the team', rather than for her own enjoyment. Therefore, I suggested that she explore these more aggressive possibilities and strike her own balance. I'm Not suggesting she ignore her secondary.

I have often run my Controller at 'Scrapper Speed', firing off (and stacking) controls as fast as they cycle and a Controller can be very powerful that way, though it burns through Endurance at a fantastic pace. You can juggle several targets that way, even with just single-target holds. However, if you only have a few holds, you're not going to be able to lock even one tough target down - at which point you'd best hope your team is good, because You are likely to face-plant, alone.

That's been My experience and not meant to define yours, or Heraclea's. However, if she's been experiencing difficulties and is unsatisfied with her Controller, _I_ suspect it's because she's been trying to be a Defender/Buffer and not a Controller.

Be Well!



Now, don't get me wrong, dave. I'm not dismissing what fire can do damage wise, but I believe control should be a priority.

[/ QUOTE ]

Run a Fire/Storm. Great control while you have the End.

That said, after all this time I did finally roll up a Fire/Kin. Mid-teens at the moment, I don't feel any *lack* of control - but I am looking at damage here, as well, since my other controllers were... er... lacking in it with secondaries that didn't give a great boost. (Earth/FF, Ice/Emp to 50, others all through the levels - we're talking lower end of the damage scale.)

Then again, I roll up controllers *to* control. (Part of why Ill just irritates me despite so many people loving it.)



Then again, I roll up controllers *to* control. (Part of why Ill just irritates me despite so many people loving it.)

[/ QUOTE ]
Mez effects are not the only way of controlling things.

I team with the Repeat Offenders.



Now, don't get me wrong, dave. I'm not dismissing what fire can do damage wise, but I believe control should be a priority.

[/ QUOTE ]

Run a Fire/Storm. Great control while you have the End.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, I have and love one. See sig.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff