Task Force Tuesdays




Have a toon that needs the Task Force Commander accolade? Just wanna do scheduled Tf's on a Tuesday Night?

Well look no further.. Task Force Tuesdays are here.

Tuesday Nights starting at 7pst / 10 est we will meet up and run each 1 of the tf's needed... we get enough feedback we'll expand it past those 6 and include the rest.

We get enough people we can run 2 teams.. which would be super cool.. if thats the case we can have a contest to see who finishes it 1st.. I'll come up with a groovy prize my darlings, dont worry.

Here is the schedule:

Positron's 6-23
Synapse's 6-30
Sister Psyche's 7-7
Citadel's 7-14
Manticore's 7-21
Numina's 7-28

I know, I know, you see people doing these all the time.. but.. wouldnt it be nice to have it planned each week instead of hoping there is room or just missing it..

If you can commit, reply here or send me a tell @cherry-2000 and I'll save you a spot .. 1st come, 1st served. Will fill extra teams as needed.

Hopefully I'll see some of you there.

~ Cherry



That is a dang good idea. 10 P.M. is a tad too late for me to start a task force on a work night, but I wish you the best of luck with it!

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



you silly east coasters'

=\ sorry




I shall be there with bells on, I call tankage unless i get bored and bring something else



I'd love to get in on Posi at least. I'm a task force-oholic, but I'm not sure if I can commit any further out yet. My level 33-ish earth/TA controller needs it the worst. Unfortunately he doesn't contribute much damage, so I'd hate to have the team carry me unless they had damage well covered. I also have lots of lower level characters that need it, so using a blaster or a defender is not a problem either. I can switch out depending on who shows up.

@Charged Atmosphere



Are you planing to make that a full team posi or a small team?

my merit farmer spent all of her merits this weekend, so I was thinking I needed a speed posi or 2 this week.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



My dark def needs Posi to complete her tf arc; if there is room for her, I'll be there.



I think the plan is for a couple small teams for this...



I've got a rad/sonic, Missile Head, who'd love to get in on some Posi action.

Actually...I could use most of those. This is going tom make Wednesdays at work suck



OK, I had a brain fart. I can't make this. Sorry for the confustion.



I will be bringing my Blaster



Im gonna run small teams so it takes less time!



we'll try to be as efficent as possible when these are ran. I dont wanna keep people up later than need be.

Just thought "task force tuesdays" sounded good. Dont worry, i wont subject you guys to my original idea...

Tighty Whitey Task Force Tuesdays

(well, not yet anyways)



For you east coasters, prvtslacker may be running this same tf a bit earlier... I'll let him provide the time and what-nots.



Just to warn you, on the first Tuesday of any month you better make that TF run an All-Tanker event.

MA Author: Look for my eight arcs under @Witty Librarian!
Hero Cleanup Protocol estory now available! Through Smashwords.com and most ebook retailers!



Ok for those of us that would be a zombie running a posi late at night, I will start one 2 hours earlier. (8pm Est). I will be looking for 1 extra damage dealer and 1 support.

I will either be on with Fire Twitchy (Fire/ice blaster) or Sandra Twitchy (sonic/fire blaster - this one if I have time to do a 2nd build to add SS as she needs it for TFC Badge)

1) @ Prvt. Slacker - Blaster
2) rabidbadge - rad/sonic

Will be going for speed on mine. (looking for around 2 hr)

edit: Note: Right now all I know I can lead is the posi as I am out of town the next few weeks.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



oo ya.. tanker tuesday..

that could be a fun idea for that particular tf tuesday.. atleast maybe 1 team?

great Idea, Witty.



I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter. As mentioned above, I've got a rad sonic. Are there any powers that you would need to see like TP etc? Could always futz with teh second build.



Speed Posi Slacker style

Basic ideas how I have ran these with Cutlass. We have done these in 1hr 30 mins with a mix of support.

AT’s 2 Damage (???/???) And support (healer /Bubbler/ Shields) Support will help with the agro the damage will be getting in any way possible. Be at least lvl 14 with SS to get around quickly, and learn to run through missions and were to stop if you need to break Line of sigh (agro). SS is not needed but tends to be good if you dont have a stealth proc.

The wiki has a good guide on what you will see during a posi. Have a general idea of what you are going to face (order does change)

Fema works is the hardest part as you have 2 people to rescue, clear a path as you go from the door and walk each worker out, taking care of the ambush. Some take both out at the same time just watch for ambush from each freed worker.

Kill bosses only missions, SS +Stealth (SS works 90% of the time) to the boss and find flashy.

Kill all – Easy just make sure you get runners to avoid duck hunts. (Last 4 missions are kill alls).

Expect to die once in a while (via over powered or just oops) and works towards debt badges.

(Side note: we have done one with 3 blasters and still beat the 2hr time, just a bit harder as no damage mitigation).

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



If you still have an opening for the third slot I'll join.



We will be running a couple teams no worries



starting in 15 mins.. c'mon people.!



Forming up now guys.. come one down for the fun



early team just finished 2hr and 30 mins.

Thanks Rabid and Jac for coming out and helping.

Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643

Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.



I miss all the fun

Ragnoroc LVL 50 Stone/Mace Cowboy Storm 50 storm/nrg
Fossil King LVL 50 Stone/FF Ice Trap LVL 50 Ice/Kin
Neon Bolt LVL 50 Elec/Elec Fire Of Hades LVL 50 fire/regen
Dr Infection LVL 50 Fire/Rad Battered Bowman lvl 50 arch/ice