PUNDAY returns?




was all excited about punday but still downloading new issue
o well theres always monday after this one

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.



Yeah, I was stuck as well... when is the next one gonna happen?



In the past, Moggie has held them on the last Monday of the month, so it's up to her.

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."



It was a lot of fun! Was the first time Jester got to the elimination round and then ... got... eliminated.

/e shakes fist at Atom!

Hope you enjoyed the ride home with FLAT TIRES!

Meh heh heh!

But yes Moggie was planning to run it the last monday of next month as well.

Thanks to Moggie, Nezumi-ko, Emberling, Atom, Shecky and Psy for coming and matching wits!

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



It was a lot of fun! Was the first time Jester got to the elimination round and then ... got... eliminated.

/e shakes fist at Atom!

Hope you enjoyed the ride home with FLAT TIRES!

Meh heh heh!

But yes Moggie was planning to run it the last monday of next month as well.

Thanks to Moggie, Nezumi-ko, Emberling, Atom, Shecky and Psy for coming and matching wits!

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't have any wits, and I know so little about flowers. Why did fish have to be last... *cries*

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Here is the promised chat log.

Moggie: Ok, then, if we have enough people we'll do it the traditional way!
Moggie: I will give a topic to you. Embers will have the first pun on it, followed by Jester, then Atom, then Psy
Moggie: If everyone makes the pun it keeps going until someone can't come up with one
Moggie: They drop out and I switch topics then
Moggie: When we get down to two contestants I'll change the rules again
Nezumi-Ko whispers to Moggie, "Ooh, we've got a good one."
Moggie: We will do a practice round to make sure everyone knows how to play
Obscene Jester: Moggie.
Obscene Jester raises hand.
Moggie: What's up?
Obscene Jester: I'm allergic to Dj's so i might not doo too well if one is around.
Moggie: Jester, I'm allergic to Rikti monkeys but I eat them anyway. You'll live
DJ Shecky: Don't worry, I don't bite.
Obscene Jester sighs. "Fine."
Atomastos: He does, however, scratch.
DJ Shecky: Sorry, allow me to stand away from the one who is allergic to me.
Moggie: Ok, our practice topic then is: Trees. Embers, your pun
Nezumi-Ko: Practice round!
Emberling: Yay punnies! Am I doin' Oak-ay so fars?
Obscene Jester: Firget it. you'll never win!
Atomastos: No thanks, I'll leaf that topiary to the experts.
DJ Shecky: Shees I bark up the wrong tree and I get told people are allergic to me.
Psychotical: You guys are gonna kick my ash.
Moggie: There! Easy as mousecakes.
Moggie: Any questions?
Moggie: Oh, at some point I may ask you to explain or repeat the pun to me. If I don't get it after your explanation you will need to do another one. I don't think it will be a problem though

Moggie: Ok, First Topic: Names of Sci-fi movies. Embers, your pun
Emberling: You know what they says, the best are bests, and the wor-Star Wars-e!
Moggie: ew...
Obscene Jester winces.
Nezumi-Ko giggles
Atomastos grimaces.
Obscene Jester nose begins to bleed.
Blackstar II groans
Atomastos under his mask.
Psychotical: ow
Obscene Jester: ya know if I was a super villain I would do all my Plannine from Outer Space.
Atomastos: Emberling, that was so bad I might just Flatliners.
DJ Shecky: Jester, this whole thing and your pun are jsut alien to me.
Psychotical gapes, hangs head, steps back.
Nezumi-Ko: Aw.
Moggie: Out already?
Emberling frowns
Nezumi-Ko gives Psychotical a big, warm, and cuddly mousehug.
Moggie: Ok, thank you very much for playing. Will you please hang around for the rest of the show?
Psychotical: I'm drawing a complete blank. (It's been a rough day.))
Atomastos: Well, when you run out of Timecop, there's just No Escape.
Obscene Jester: [[aw Psy...*cheers anyways* ]]
Emberling: ((I had a hell of a time on this one. All of the movies I could think of had long names! :P))
Moggie: Let them all out boys and girls!
Emberling: So one time, this boy impie like me, so he sing me Serenity!
Obscene Jester: Say....is that Fluffy that the Forbidden plant Ate.
Nezumi-Ko: Yep! There musta been a Short Circuit in its brain for it to do that.
Moggie practices Serenity for the moment
Obscene Jester: yeah that was a tough category
Moggie: Ok, we're down to four so let's change the topic. Something a little more chewy perhaps?
Atomastos: I wonder how onlookers would view our Disturbing Behavior.
Psychotical: "I went apartment hunting today. You odyssey the space! 2001 square feet!"

Moggie: Ok then Second Topic: Names of American Candy Bars. Embers, your pun
Emberling: I like my cookies wif Milky! Way better like that!
Obscene Jester: So I hear elmer Fudd wanted to be a gigilo...well that's what I heard..."said he really liked his twix."
Atomastos: After I Hershey'd that last one, Jester, I couldn't help but Snickers. Still, just because you got a Fast Break doesn't mean you'll win.
Moggie: Nicely done but it might make it a better game if you limited yourself to one pun per turn.
DJ Shecky: The problem with puns like that Chunky one is they com eGood and plenty until your starbursts.
Nezumi-Ko: To make it fair for the rest.
Moggie: It wasn't in the rules because it hadn't happened before.
Emberling: One-a my friends got attacked by Silver Manties! She got cutted up real bad, she all got away Butterfingers!
Obscene Jester: Almond Joy beating you lot with my superior pun skills.
Atomastos: I Rolo with the best. Why don't you all Take 5, 'cause I'm about to make like Pay Day and score a NutRageous victory.
Moggie: That's twice. Please do not steal more puns from the others
Nezumi-Ko: Yes, one pun per person, please?
Atomastos: Ah, very well.
Obscene Jester: Damn good villain if you ask me. Pun stealer :P
DJ Shecky: I've been working out on at the gym on the corner of clark and fifth avenue for just this occasion, I am glad that this group isn't into kinky stuff like M&M's
Moggie: Shecky, I just scolded Atom for this. One pun per customer please
Obscene Jester raises hand Miss Moggie?
Moggie: Yes Jester?
Obscene Jester: I heard you and I didn't do that at all.
Obscene Jester: Just wanted you to know.
Moggie: . Jester, no sucking up or I'll eat your hat
06-29-2009 21:35:00 Obscene Jester winks at moggie.
Obscene Jester: NOT MY HAT! It's a family heirloom.
Emberling: TheM ar s-ome good punnies so far!
Nezumi-Ko hands Moggie a bottle of Hat Sauce.
Obscene Jester: so I was hired to go and make sure this guy named Les paid his gambling tab....and all I can say is Les knees crunch real well.
Atomastos: I wonder who's going to be the first to Krackel under pressure.
DJ Shecky: This is what I get for being around a bunch of nerds.
Moggie: Not a candy bar Shecky, can you try again please?
DJ Shecky: Oh candy bars? Sheesh kit kat. you should have made it more clear.
Moggie: *laughs*
Emberling: Miss Moggies? Is mousepies really maDove mousies?
Obscene Jester: So I had to tell Les if he didn't pay there'd be a few mounds around town where his wife could find him.
Atomastos: I'm not sure if I Caramello to try for four more!
DJ Shecky: Oh Henry, this is gonna be tough.
Emberling: So I heared Isaac over theres be extra nice if you say 'hey Mister, Goodbar you has here!' He just look at me funny.
Obscene Jester: "Three muskrat ear!" That's what he paid me. I'll never do a job for The Evil Canuck again.
Atomastos: No thanks, I wouldn't Wonka Bar you any longer.
DJ Shecky: Watchmacall it, that pun wasn't really as good as some of the others.
Emberling: Is it true that really big roofs sometimes make little Baby Ruths?
Obscene Jester: Zag nut Atom thinks he's gonna win but I think different.
Atomastos: This is starting to take a lot more York than I'd anticipated.
DJ Shecky: I made a birthday cake with almonds. Joy couldn't eat it cause of allergies though.
Moggie: Almond Joy is a repeat
DJ Shecky: Do I get a 100,000,000 or bar if I win?
Atomastos: If we get any longer, this might become hazardous to our Heath.
Emberling is stumped!
Moggie: Embers are you out?
Nezumi-Ko: Nice run, Ember.
Moggie: Good run Embers!
Obscene Jester: [[nice run Ember!]]
Nezumi-Ko gives Emberling a big, warm, and cuddly mousehug.
Obscene Jester: [[ i was out too]
DJ Shecky: Nice run Ember
Moggie: So, we've chewed through our candy puns and we've got our tummy ache. Let's move on

Moggie: We are down to three. After this round we'll change the rules and make it harder
Moggie: The Third Topic of the night is: Names of Flowers. Jester, your pun
Obscene Jester: Down on the floor ins that One Eyes Jake? I think he's bleeding
06-29-2009 21:51:45 [Local] Obscene Jester: [[florin]]
Moggie: [very literal of you]
Atomastos: Peonies, I could do this with my eyes closed.
DJ Shecky: I told Daffy, Dill is what I need. Dill for the pickles.
Obscene Jester: Yep That's Jake. looks like someone really knocked him fora loop in they took his wallet [[lupin]]
Atomastos: Some of these puns are so bad, we're all saffron.
DJ Shecky: I Ris k getting eliminated this round
Obscene Jester: So im this movie i saw once down at the bijou this goat guy Pan sees this elf maiden and well...oh wait you wanted clean. nevermind
Atomastos: I don't think anemone can dispute the mad skills demonstrated here tonight.
DJ Shecky: I met leo who was a dandy lion
Obscene Jester: So this big beefy guy was charging at me but i had set up this pit trap and well what can i say, "Dais he comes, Dais he go."
Atomastos: I never Forget-me-not to bring my A-game to these sorts of things.
DJ Shecky: So she couldn't get anything out of the straw so I say, " Honey suckle it."
Obscene Jester: HA! Drained your bank account!
Atomastos: Man, that last one of mine was awful, wasn't it? After that, I should just begonia.
DJ Shecky: You are really lichen this Moggie?
Moggie: Bring me flowers, try again
DJ Shecky: Well since athletes get athletes foot, I guess astronauts get missle toe.
Moggie: One more try. Mistletoe isn't really a flower either
DJ Shecky: then I'm out.
Nezumi-Ko gives DJ Shecky a big, warm, and cuddly mousehug.
Obscene Jester snickers.
Emberling: ((Nice run guys, I'd have been out on like the second round.))
Obscene Jester: I think we all rose to the occasion.
Moggie: Very nicely done everyone! Good run Shecky
Obscene Jester: [[Nice run Shecky! ]]
Obscene Jester: Anyone wanna see my new catgirl seeking grenade launcer...the foxfire and forget?
Atomastos: Now that there's just the two of us, I find I muscari on until the very end.
Moggie: Ok then, down to just two so it's time to turn up the heat
Obscene Jester: My mom might know and i'd aster but well ya know i killed her.

Moggie: So, we've done topics that stretched and twisted our brains. it's time to make them go faster
Nezumi-Ko: WAAAAAGH!! Red wunz go fasta!
Moggie: Since we've got two good punners here, I thought I'd make the time limit the regular 30 seconds
Moggie: And then, perhaps, We Should Add a Kick
Obscene Jester: Ooh I get to Kick Atom? I accept!
Moggie: Jester, sit down
Nezumi-Ko: No, it means that there's extra rules.
Atomastos swats at Jester half-heartedly with a wing.
Obscene Jester: But I don;t LIKE rules.
Obscene Jester: They make me itchy and whiny!
Obscene Jester sit.
Moggie: I think perhaps the easy topic should be run alphabetically
Nezumi-Ko: Oh, that's a fun one.
Obscene Jester: wait...how does the alphabet go?
Moggie: So, easy topic, 30 seconds. I will tell you when your time is half over
Moggie: and when it's done
Obscene Jester: Sumerian alphabet right?
Moggie: After I give you the topic I will not call your name, you'll need to jump right in with no waiting after the other player
Nezumi-Ko: English alphabet, Jester.
Obscene Jester: Linguist!
Moggie: Jester will start with A, then Atom has B
Nezumi-Ko: Not gonna fall for that one, Jester.
Obscene Jester snaps fingers.
Moggie: Any questions before I start, just to be sure?
Obscene Jester: Have you seen my keys?
Moggie: Left corner pocket. Anything else?
Obscene Jester: COOL! and i dont even have a car!
Obscene Jester: Nope Im good.
Moggie: Atom? All good?
Atomastos leans over. "Hey, little guy. How much do you want to be Pun Master?"
Obscene Jester: I got a rotting finger in my pocket.
Moggie glances at Nez "what did we get ourselves into?"
Obscene Jester: Don't worry. It's not mine.
Nezumi-Ko pats Moggie on the shoulder.
Nezumi-Ko: Brace for German Liver Sausage.
Nezumi-Ko: You know...the Wurst?
Moggie: Ok then, Last Topic of the night: Names of Fish. You have 30 seconds. GO!
Moggie: 20
Moggie: Done
Obscene Jester: Do fish even HAVE A name?
Moggie: Jester...time is up
Nezumi-Ko: Yes they do.
Obscene Jester: grrrr
Moggie: Albacore, Bass, Cod...
Emberling: ((Archerfish!))
Moggie: Sorry Jester
Obscene Jester: Well poop.
Nezumi-Ko gives Obscene Jester a big, warm, and cuddly mousehug.
Emberling: Nice try funny hat guy!
Obscene Jester: [[Good show Atom!
Moggie: Atomastos is the PunDay Night Champion!!
Obscene Jester slips a finger into Nezumi's pocket.
Nezumi-Ko: I think you chose that topic on Porpose.
Atomastos: Aw, Betta didn't even get to go.
Moggie: Congratulations to our new winner!
Obscene Jester: hooray Atomastos for being the biggest pun on the block!

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



Thanks again Moggie and Nezumi!

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Aw, Shecky went big-badda-bloom on the flower puns.

You're not super until you put on The Cape!



That happens acacia-nally, Attercap. Shecky did good though. ^_^

"Yes, yes this is a fertile land and we will thrive. And we shall rule over this land, and call it... ... This Land."

Main: Mikuruneko (50, Katana/Regen Scrapper)
Alts: Many



Orchid you not, this was one of the best Punday Nights ever.

"It's hard for you to be yourself, if you don't know who you really are."