How To Add AV or EB to my AE miss???

Genesis Man



I want to add a lvl 54 (something) AV or EB so that all my other costume char. in the mission are lvl 54 and every one else is auto lvl to 50. i bought every char. expansion i could from vendor and cant find any EB's or AV's anywhere. what do i do??

lvl 50 AR/EM, lvl 50 SS/Shld brute, lvl 50 Shld/SS, lvl 50 Stone/SS
lvl 50 Dark/Fire, lvl 50 WP/EM, lvl 50 WP/Fire, lvl 50 Fire/Kin
lvl 50 Emp/Dark, lvl 50 Thug/Pain, lvl 50 Fire/Shld, lvl 48 Ill/Rad
lvl 45 BS/Regen lvl 42 Ice/EM



Where are you looking for these AVs? MANY factions have AVs. Just select a faction (Arachnos has plenty to choose from).
Click the Archvillain tab (there's an all, minion, lieutenant, etc tab on the top left of the custom critter screen).
You should see all of the AVs in the faction you selected.

BTW, the version of the MA that is now on Test will make this method obsolete, as you can select the level range of each mission in your arc. Just an FYI



Thanks Genesis I actually found it. there are about 6 lvl 54 AV's in the Freedom Phalanx packet i bought i just missed seeing it on the drop down menu. The Longbow also have a lvl 53 heavy in their group.

lvl 50 AR/EM, lvl 50 SS/Shld brute, lvl 50 Shld/SS, lvl 50 Stone/SS
lvl 50 Dark/Fire, lvl 50 WP/EM, lvl 50 WP/Fire, lvl 50 Fire/Kin
lvl 50 Emp/Dark, lvl 50 Thug/Pain, lvl 50 Fire/Shld, lvl 48 Ill/Rad
lvl 45 BS/Regen lvl 42 Ice/EM



Where do you find character expansions?I checked all the vendors I could find and did not find a Freedom Phalanx expansion or any other that said it adds extra characters.I want to add a lvl 53 AV to a mission and I cannot find one anywhere.