~Sister Airlias Arcs - Wednesday, June 24~
Please add Hatake Kasumi (Widow) to the list. Thanks!

Sign me and (maybe) Scruffy up:
Me: Gabriel Keats - Fire/Rad Corr
Scruffy: Kin Rothko - Rad/Kin Corr (Iffy)
46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)
As mentioned, I have prior commitments on this night. It would be cutting it too close to say I'd definitely be here... so put me at the bottom of the list, and I'll do my best to show on time.
I'd probably be using Robin instead of Longbow, to prevent myself from hitting Lvl 45 and possibly losing the 2nd part of the Patron arc that she hasn't run yet...
...then again, i can just as easily turn off XP temporarily.. so I'll bring whichever lvl range is better for the team to mal or lk.
BTW, will this be run from the contact herself, or from Ouro? I suppose if you don't mind, I could just jump on a team when I get home if there is room..
PS - I also have a lvl 50 DB/WP Stalker that I rarely use. Maybe I'll give her an appearance. haha
Master-Blades (with an "s")
BTW, will this be run from the contact herself, or from Ouro? I suppose if you don't mind, I could just jump on a team when I get home if there is room..
[/ QUOTE ]
We will be running it from the contact - with hopefully (mostly) everyone following along & auto-completing as we go, so if you are late & wish to still join in & we have room, it should be cool.
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
As these don't run very long, I can likely make this as well. Please hook me up.
Prolly bring King Legbah (thugs/poison) for this one, but I can also roll Rex Osbscura (crabbie) to fill out some damage potential.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
BTW, will this be run from the contact herself, or from Ouro? I suppose if you don't mind, I could just jump on a team when I get home if there is room..
[/ QUOTE ]
We will be running it from the contact - with hopefully (mostly) everyone following along & auto-completing as we go, so if you are late & wish to still join in & we have room, it should be cool.
[/ QUOTE ] I appreciate that. Hopefully you guys wont be done by the time I get home. haha.
I would like to bring Wong Sun.
E, I'll being a Muse (not sure if it'll be Destruction or Chaos).
P.S. Yes, I did change my forum name and global, so I'm sorry for any confusion this may cause/may have caused last time.
@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web
I'll be at work this night, but good news is, I have a laptop! =) so count me in, at least until I say, "oops got a run" Ii want to play because I havn't gotten back into playing at all and July doesn't look any better for me being able to play CoH than june did. So I better play every chance I get.
I prefer to use General Damos Level 45 (or 46...??) Mercs MM.
I have also a level 50 Brute if needed.
Thx, hope to see you guys there, unless Little Rock burns down that night that is.
Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!

Update from the OP since editing time has expired:
A Mr E-Man Production
Featuring Mr E-Lectric
Mission:Sister Airlias Arcs: Power from the Past & Politics, Cimeroran Style
Contact: Sister Airlia
Location: Cimerora
Date & Time: Wednesday, June 24 @ 10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific
Level Range: 40-50 There is conflicting info regarding the level range, it might be 35-50
Combatants: Cimerorans, Cimeroran Traitors, Crey, Longbow, Family
Arch-Villain(s)/Heroe(s): None, but there are a few EBs to contend with
Current Team Roster:
1: Mr E-Lectric: Elec/Elec Brute
2: Hatake Kasumi: Widow
3: Gabriel Keats: Fire/Rad Corruptor
4: Kin Rothko: Rad/Kin Corruptor (tentative)
5: MB: TBA (tentative/late)
6: King Legbah: Thugs/Poison Mastermind
7: Wong Sun: Ninja/Poison Mastermind
8: Muse of...: Fort or Crab
9: General Damos: Mercs/Traps Mastermind (lvl 45)
Story Arc Stats & Info:
<ul type="square">[*]These arcs requires a 1-person team to start[*]Power from the Past: 3 missions (1 defeat all) & Politics, Cimeroran Style: 11 missions (4 defeat alls, 1 hunt, 4 talks)[*]Souvenir(s): Fragment of Tabula Scutum & An ancient urn if you follow along & auto complete each mission[*]Merit Reward(s): 2 & 8 if you follow along & auto complete each mission[*]Cimerora must be unlocked by completing the Ashley McKnight Arc: Midnights Hand[/list]
Continuing Villainous Wednesdays! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man
Paragon Wiki: Power from the Past
Paragon Wiki: Politics, Cimeroran Style
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
Oh, heh, the General is a Mercs/ Devices
Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!

Level Range: 40-50 There is conflicting info regarding the level range, it might be 35-50
[/ QUOTE ]
I did some checking/testing for you..
You can't get the arc until lvl 40, but since it is not a TF, you can invite lower lvls to the team. It's restricted to lvl 35+ only because of the lvl restricted zone the missions are in... but the person hosting the mission (or wanting to follow along) must indeed be 40+.
[/ QUOTE ] Fixed? (I couldn't help myself.) lol
BTW I parked MBs near the contact in hopes of getting home on time.. but the way this week is going.. things are looking grim. Well, I hope I see you all tonight, and if not.. Good Luck and Have Fun!
[/ QUOTE ] Fixed? (I couldn't help myself.) lol
[/ QUOTE ]
Kind of surprising I did not catch that myself... lol
I did some checking/testing for you..
You can't get the arc until lvl 40, but since it is not a TF, you can invite lower lvls to the team. It's restricted to lvl 35+ only because of the lvl restricted zone the missions are in... but the person hosting the mission (or wanting to follow along) must indeed be 40+.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah - that makes sense.
BTW I parked MBs near the contact in hopes of getting home on time.. but the way this week is going.. things are looking grim. Well, I hope I see you all tonight, and if not.. Good Luck and Have Fun!
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, I hope to see you as well, but I understand if you cannot make it! Once again, if we do not have a full team, you are welcome to join, "...already in progress..." as it were...
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
Well I obviously didn't make it tonight. Sorry
I've got inventory at work in just a few hours from now. I was hoping to have things ready, but it's been a busy week, so there wasn't much time to make preparations and I had to stay very late tonight. I got home right around the time everybody was finishing up with the arc tonight. I probably wont even sleep more than an hour or two tonight and end up crashing tomorrow afternoon. haha
Besides the non-GW patrons, this Cimerora arc is one of the only arcs in the game that I have not yet run. I haven't done the Hero version either.
Well I hope you all had fun, and I'll see you for the MoLRSF on Saturday, and the STF on Monday.
Well I did decide to stay up, and I spent the time making my new calendar.. I decided to use tonight's contact...
July 2009 CoV Calendar
I decided to make the background red (because it's a CoV contact) AFTER I made the calendar grid/numbers, so it ended up covering the numbers.. I'm debating whether or not I want to redo it, but I'l most likely leave it alone and keep it in mind for August's. lol
What do you think?
(By the way, the resolution of my calendars are all 1280x960, which is intended to fit a standard sheet of paper when printed out. As a desktop display, I recommend using the "Position: Center" option, and using dark red or dark blue as the background desktop color. This prevents any stretching or distortion, and gives it a nice "framed" appearance.)
Cool, my birthday is on a Friday this year
Cool, my birthday is on a Friday this year
[/ QUOTE ] another birthday MoSTF? which day? lol
the 24th
Well it was a fun, but also laggy & crashy night running Sister Airlia's arcs!
At one point we had 4 people crash-out (probably my fault, I switched missions & didn't realize they were entering the previous selected door).
But last night was generally laggy all around.
I was able to gain about 1.5 levels (hitting 44 upon talking to Imperious for the last mission), despite my many deaths. I definitely should petition for honorary Evil J-Force membership for Mr E-Lectric...
Thanks to everyone that was able to join in the fun - everyone but Muse was able to follow along auto completing the missions/arcs.
The Team:
Mr E-Lectric: Elec/Elec Brute
Hatake Kasumi: Widow
Gabriel Keats: Fire/Rad Corruptor
Kin Rothko: Rad/Kin Corruptor
King Legbah: Thugs/Poison Mastermind
Wong Sun: Ninja/Poison Mastermind
Muse of Destruction: Crab
Thanks once again for joining everyone.
Next week (if MB is available), we will run the first part of another (not GW) Patron Arc (not sure which one he wants to run, so I will wait for him to post).
If MB is not available, we will probably run Respec Trial #3.
I will post a sign up sometime over the next few days.
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
Thanks for running this E! It was really fun, even though it was very very laggy and crashy.
I turned my graphics all the way down at one point, and it helped, but whenever we had all the pets and us attacking, the lag would spike up pretty bad. If we were standing still it was okay .
I gained about 1.5 levels as well. Sitting at 43.5 at the moment.
So now I know why we crashed there. Yep, I was definately entering that door when I crashed out. That would explain it!
Those missions were so fun! Almost as much fun as the ITF Sorry I was starting to doze off (but I wasn't alone) in that final mission. I'm surprised we didn't have more death there, because I know I woke up a few times and was in the process of hurling fireballs at enemies. I'm surprised I didn't aggro more than I did!
Thanks! See you all Monday night. Good luck this Sat night on the MoLRSF!
46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)
hehe - I was falling asleep as well during the last mission...
I fell off the edge of the ramparts a couple of times while I was nodding off...
very embarrassing
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
Like always, it was a blast E! Thanks for running this!
Also, don't feel bad about the 'nodding off'. I was doing that as well during the last two missions (badly enough I don't even remember if I finished that last mish). Hopefully I didn't do anything to cause a team wipe while asleep. :P
@Aoide Muse

Arc IDs: #3571 Digital Love, #182068 The Rikti Roll, #334016 The Null Earth Saga: A Reflected Web
I just got home from work... I still have not slept. I'm certainly available next Wednesday, and I still have my Patron slot open. A for who to run, I have no preference at all. I'm not familiar enough with the stories to know which would be more fun, and I'm too tired to look it up right now. lol Just post whichever seems like the next logical choice, and we'll go with that. haha
I just got home from work... I still have not slept. I'm certainly available next Wednesday, and I still have my Patron slot open. A for who to run, I have no preference at all. I'm not familiar enough with the stories to know which would be more fun, and I'm too tired to look it up right now. lol Just post whichever seems like the next logical choice, and we'll go with that. haha
[/ QUOTE ]
Get some sleep!
If I had to choose, I would say...Capt'n Mako?
(only because I have never done it before)
Second choice would be...Black Scorpion - I helped out a friend on some of the missions...
So...a small vote?
What should we run next week?
__ Capt's Mako's Patron Arc - Part One
__ Black Scorpion's Patron Arc - Part One
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd
A Mr E-Man Production
Featuring Mr E-Lectric
Mission:Sister Airlias Arcs: Power from the Past & Politics, Cimeroran Style
Contact: Sister Airlia
Location: Cimerora
Date & Time: Wednesday, June 24 @ 10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific
Level Range: 40-50 There is conflicting info regarding the level range, it might be 35-50
Combatants: Cimerorans, Cimeroran Traitors, Crey, Longbow, Family
Arch-Villain(s)/Heroe(s): None, but there are a few EBs to contend with
Current Team Roster:
1: Mr E-Lectric: Elec/Elec Brute
2: Hatake Kasumi: Widow
3: Gabriel Keats: Fire/Rad Corruptor
4: Kin Rothko: Rad/Kin Corruptor (tentative)
5: MB: TBA (tentative/late)
6: King Legbah: Thugs/Poison Mastermind
7: Wong Sun: Ninja/Poison Mastermind
8: Muse of...: Fort or Crab
Story Arc Stats & Info:
<ul type="square">[*]These arcs requires a 1-person team to start[*]Power from the Past: 3 missions (1 defeat all) & Politics, Cimeroran Style: 11 missions (4 defeat alls, 1 hunt, 4 talks)[*]Souvenir(s): Fragment of Tabula Scutum & An ancient urn if you follow along & auto complete each mission[*]Merit Reward(s): 2 & 8 if you follow along & auto complete each mission[*]Cimerora must be unlocked by completing the Ashley McKnight Arc: Midnights Hand[/list]
Continuing Villainous Wednesdays! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man
Paragon Wiki: Power from the Past
Paragon Wiki: Politics, Cimeroran Style
Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd