The Drunken Avenger Story




Founded in 1975 a secret government project was charged with developing weapons based on Nuclear power. The General in charge was none other than G. Rutherford Grant, latest in direct descendents of the famous Ulysses Grant from the civil war. It wasn't until the early 80's that a breakthrough in Micro-Nanites was discovered by lead scientist Dr. Grayson Riley. Bonding the Nanites to nuclear radiation soon became the focus and the project received a new code name. Project R.U.M. (Radiation Utilizing Micro-Nanites)

Work began quickly after that formalizing ways stabilize the nanites enough to be used in weapons. However no matter how hard they worked they just couldn't stabilize any prototypes. Grayson theorized that only way to do so was to bond the nanites to a human being. So research began and a candidate was searched for. General Grant brought in his long time go to man Col. Mark Sanford and preparations began in earnest.
However, a few higher ups in joint chiefs had uneasy feelings. Grant was known for his increasingly unethical applications and methods he had been using, and Sanford had been under investigation for quite a while before being picked up into the project. The President was made aware and stepped in. He removed Sanford from the project and substituted a up and coming Air Force Major to be Sanford's replacement. Sanford angrily resigned his commission from the Marines in disgust. Grant on the other hand although visibly angered played along with the changes.

Major John Stephens had become a national hero almost accidentally. His plane had been shot down over Siberia on a reconnaissance mission. The Air Force feared he was lost and gave up looking for him. 6 months later he washed ashore on a beach in Alaska and found by a lone fisherman. Unconscious, but still wearing his U.S. flight suit he was rushed to the nearest military base to be nursed back to health. Before the Air Force could step in the local news picked up the story and soon it became national news. When conscious Stephens relayed how that after the crash he laid low, traveling at night to avoid detection, he made his way toward the pacific. Once there he had fashioned a makeshift raft to sail to America and was almost there when a storm hit and the last thing he remembered was being swept away into the ocean. The news was all ablaze about the heroic escape of Stephens and catapulted him into the national lime light. It was this attention that brought him into the view of the President and why he was chosen for Project R.U. M.

The test procedure was scheduled for July 18, 1985. Stephens was briefed on the specifics, given a round of shots and ordered to report the next morning for the experiment. Stephens and his long time pal Captain Richard Morgan went out for a night out on the town and in the process got completely hammered. He awoke the next morning suffering from a slight hangover but reported to the lab as ordered and was prepped for surgery. 12 hours later General Grant called the President personally to deliver the news that Stephens had died on the operating table.

Shocked the White House spin machine went into overdrive. Concocting an unimaginative story of another plane crash this time with a body, fooled the press and the American public. Stephens was honored in Arlington National Cemetery and buried with full military Honors. However it was a sham.

The congressional oversight committee sent in an investigative team to see discover what had went wrong. When they arrived they were informed that Stephens body had been a radioactive hazard and had been destroyed. Infuriated they reported back to congress and the President their findings. Believing that something underhanded had been going on with the project the President shut it down. Grant was given the decision to retire or face court martial. Grant retired and within 6 months disappeared. Dr. Riley shunned by the scientific community turned to the bottle leaving his side project unfinished.

Flash forward 20 years, the year 2005. Explosions rocked the city. Chaos was everywhere. There was a huge battle being waged between members of Watchfire and some kind of Para-military force. They had narrowed it down to a secluded lab on the east side of Meridian. Busting in they discover they have left in a hurry and leads are run cold. 5 hours later an abandoned crates finally topples over and armor clad figure falls out.

Slowly opening his eyes John Stephens begins to look around. Man how much did I drink he thinks. He groggily turns himself over trying to get his bearings. Looking at his hands he bolts up quickly and promptly falls back down. He begins to laugh. Damn that Morgan he must have been having fun at my expense. Why else would he be dressed up in a black and gold suit of armor. Slowly looking around he wonders how long he's been out and how much longer he has to sober up before he is to report to the lab. Wait a minute, this looks like the lab, only abandoned, and dirty and looks like there was fight of some kind. Stumbling to a standing position he makes his way around, looks down sees a helmet that looks like it matches the rest of his armor. Picking it up he catches a glimpse of his reflection and promptly drops it again. What's going on here, his skin was green!

He wanders out of the lab into the street. He only knows a few things for sure, first his skin is green, well according to his face anyways. The rest of the armor doesn't seem to come off. Secondly he's still drunk. Thirdly well wait a minute that's all he knows. Wandering out into the light he puts on the helmet and immediately almost walks into the path of an oncoming truck. Startled he jumps and like a rocket takes off into the sky. Damn I can fly he thinks.

Suddenly a couple of buildings down from Stephens rocks with an explosion. Sirens start blaring and almost immediately squad cars begin flooding in. Stephens looks around trying to focus on what's going on and immediately falls to the ground. Quickly staggering to his feet he looks around to make sure no one saw. Whoa, looks like the bank is being robbed. Shaking his head trying to clear it, he moves closer for a better look.

"What's the situation, rookie" Asked Sgt Epps.

"Looks like the Booster gang is at it again, sir."

"Damn idiots, ok, let's....." his voice trails off as he notices a black and gold armored man staggering up to him. "Rookie looks like we got us a bona-fide hero here to help us."

"I don't know sir, he looks a little unsteady"

At that moment the doors burst open and out steps Power-Boost, followed by 2 members of his gang. "Ah, Sgt Epps, so good to see you and MPD again. Why must you always try to stop me? You know it's pointless."

Stephens finally makes to the police cars. Probably would have been easier to fly over if he could remember how he had done that, but each time he tried, he just ended up on his face. Finally getting a look at the where all the cops had guns pointing, he sees what looks like 2 armored guys and 4 guys dressed all in black. Hmm this will be cool to watch. Used to love watching police standoffs on the news, and to get to see them up close will be great. The policeman beside him looks at him pats him on the shoulder and says to him glad you're here man. Stephen smiles pats him back on the shoulder and tells him "I'm glad you're here to awficcer."

"Not this time Boost," Sgt Epps shouts, "this time I've got backup." And with that he pushes Stephens out towards the center of the street.

Stephens stumbles forward, and falls. Why the hell did he push me into the line of fire. He staggers up and hears laughing. Looking up he sees the armored men heading his way.

Power-Boost watches as the armor clad figure is pushed past the police barricades and promptly falls over. Laughing he turns to his men. "Stay here, I'll take care of this clown." He watches Stephens slowly picks himself up and fires off a blast from his gauntlets.

Just as Stephens was getting his bearings again, he feels some kind of energy wave hit him. He staggers a few steps back shakes his head. Looking forward he notices the men keep merging into one then back out to two again. Man that must have been one hell of a binge for me to still be drunk.

Boost isn't smiling anymore, that was a megaton blast and it only knocked this guy back a few feet. "Think your pretty tough do you?" he snarls.

Stephens looks up at the armored clad man, men? "Hey buddy, what you say we just talk about this"

Boost lets off another blast, and watches Stephens get blown into the police car which also gets pushed back about 10 feet. Behind him his men begin to laugh. Turning around he makes his way back, when all of a sudden they stop. Turning around he sees Stephens slowly standing up.

Man that hurt. How did he wind up pushing back a patrol car like that? As he's looking at what's left of the patrol car, he feels a tap on his shoulder. Turning around he walks straight into a fist. His head snaps back, then rights itself. He's looking directly into the face of the armored man.

"That was a my highest punch setting for this armor, Who are you?" Booster asked incredously.

"Man why you punch me? come on lets go grab ourselves some rum, and figure this out." Stephens slurs. As he takes a few unsteady steps back.

"I've had enough of you! Nobody has ever stood up to me in my power mode." And with that he lunges forward.
Stephens jumps out of the way, and again becomes airborne. Ha, so I didn't imagine it he thinks. He turns around quickly to see if anyone else sees him. Best to have a witness, so no one thinks I'm crazy he thinks. Unfortunately he can't stop spinning. Pulling his hands in he grasps his helmet, better get this off he thinks I'm about to hurl. But then just as quickly as he started spinning he stops and falls the ground again. Oh man, what I wouldn't give for the world to stop spinning right now.

Pulling himself up into a hands and knees stance, he reaches up.
Boost looks on incuriously, what is up with this dude, he jumps in the air starts spinning all the while a green glow starts emanating brighter and brighter. He see his hands coming up like he's looking for help standing, heh, I'll help him stand he thinks. Reaching down to grab his hand when a green pulse erupts from the hand. It strikes him scare in the chest and then everything goes black.

Stephens finally puts his hand down, guess no one's going to help. Boom. Huh, he opens his eyes again, and the armored man is lying in front of him flat on his back. A cheer goes up and the cops rush in.

"Fine work, very fine work friend. Very fine work." Sgt. Epps says as he helps Stephens up. "Little unorthodox, but very fine work."

Stephens looks around and sees the cops taking the other men into custody. Man the world won't stop spinning, he hopes he sobers up soon.

Half a block away, a man turns and begins walking away. Reaching into his pocket he pulls out a cell phone. "Grant, it's Sanford, we have a problem.

It's been almost a year now, and it's 2006. Stephens or Drunken Avenger as the press started calling him has been learning the extent of his abilities and doing what he can to put those powers to good use. The only thing he's sure of is that 20 years have passed and he can't account for any of that time. He doesn't know who he can trust so he's not going back to the military. And he's still drunk, oh well let's go find some more rum he thinks.

Meanwhile across town.

"Hey Steel"

"Yeah Apostle?"

"Let's go talk to this Drunken Avenger, I think if he truly is drunk all the time it might be a good idea if he was a member, be a better way to keep an eye on him."

The end?



No no no no. It was great. I 5-stared it. (Actually read it twice.)

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



20 years blackout! That's some more drunk.

I think it might be time for DA's arch nemesis, Intervention Lady! Temperance Dogooder.

Good story!

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



lol thanks peterbilt, roookery. actually he wasn't passed out for the last 20 years, he was being used as operative in black ops missions for Grant and Sanford. The key was he was never in control of what was going on. Therefore he has no memory of it.

When the muse strikes you will see some of DA's arch-nemesis come into action. Grant and Sanford are part of that group as is power-boost from this story. Also Dr. Grayson will play a role in the future as well.



hmmm no feedback, guess it wasnt to good. oh well.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually I'm just in shock after reading this because the exact same thing happened to me!

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



DA Bust

Newest addition to DA's growing work of art. Done for me by fellow Watchfire member Salvation.

Thanks man