Please link salvage storage...
In a base with 16 salvage racks, it's a pain in the butt to find the right rack that happens to have the particular piece of salvage you're looking for.
I'm sure people will argue that better organization is the answer, and I agree with them. But I also don't see any harm in making the suggestion. Some possible ways to make it easier:
- Make the salvage auto-sort alphabetically in each rack
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- Make all salvage racks access the same pool of salvage, and additional racks in the base increase the maximum size of that pool by 30 each.
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/unsigned. Many SG's divide storage racks into two categories. The first is for general SG use that every member can use. The second is for additional personal storage for SG Leaders.
SG's even go as far as hiding bins in walled off sections of the base so that only people with Base editing permission can get to the bins.
- Make the crafting tables auto-pull from the salvage racks for any missing ingredients.
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/unsigned. Unless there are some heavy restrictions. Being able to grab anything from the bins thru a crafting table would allow thieves to get around the current security permissions that might be preventing them to remove items from storage directly.
I'm sure it's a complicated process to achieve even one of these suggestions, but I'm sure crafters will agree that they'd all be nice to have.
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You would be wrong. We've been asking for stricter security permissions for years because we wanted to make it harder for people to steal from our storage bins. We only just got that ability given to us in I14. I know I won't give it up willingly.
- Make the salvage auto-sort alphabetically in each rack
[/ QUOTE ]Sure.
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I agree that *any* type of sorting would be a Good Thing, not only for the salvage racks, but for the Enhancement Table as well.
Keep NCSoft from shutting down City of Heroes :
In a base with 16 salvage racks, it's a pain in the butt to find the right rack that happens to have the particular piece of salvage you're looking for.
I'm sure people will argue that better organization is the answer, and I agree with them. But I also don't see any harm in making the suggestion. Some possible ways to make it easier:
- Make the salvage auto-sort alphabetically in each rack
- Make all salvage racks access the same pool of salvage, and additional racks in the base increase the maximum size of that pool by 30 each.
- Make the crafting tables auto-pull from the salvage racks for any missing ingredients.
I'm sure it's a complicated process to achieve even one of these suggestions, but I'm sure crafters will agree that they'd all be nice to have.
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/Signed ... but I'm a single member SG so a lot of the complications don't apply to me.
Also, don't forget that your time spent running around = greater amount of money for the game so their is not a benefit to them making things tooo easy on us. (Hence the whole MA lvling to fast issue but I digress)
I had forgotten all about the permissions issue, actually, since my SG and VG are both a small core of RL friends. I'd say the permissions could still be retained. If Rack 3 is for officers only, then putting a piece in that rack makes that piece officers-only.
- Make the crafting tables auto-pull from the salvage racks for any missing ingredients.
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/unsigned. Unless there are some heavy restrictions. Being able to grab anything from the bins thru a crafting table would allow thieves to get around the current security permissions that might be preventing them to remove items from storage directly.
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Um I think he was refering to the CRAFTING table for the base NOT the INVENTION table.
I would be all for the crafting table being linked up so that it will auto pull from some racks but then you can have those racks set up for just crafting base stuff.

Maybe have something like the Med Aux or the TP Beacons link to their Primary Item, have the Workstation have a number of connections and you can put the Salvage rack near the Table (crafting or invention) and it would link to that Table automatically having the salvage available to use in addition to your personal salvage. Have say 2 connections per table. If they could be real clever have the Personal Storage in the safe as one connection too.
Protector Server
Woeful Knight (BS/Regen/Body Scrapper)
Kevin Christian (MC/FF/Primal Controller)
SilverCybernaut (Eng/Dev/Munitions Blaster)
Apixie OhNo (Fire/Fire/Pyre Tanker)
Y'ru Glowen (Rad/Rad/Psy Defender)
Um I think he was refering to the CRAFTING table for the base NOT the INVENTION table.
I would be all for the crafting table being linked up so that it will auto pull from some racks but then you can have those racks set up for just crafting base stuff.
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It doesn't matter. You would be taking from the SG Storage not personal storage. Whatever table is being used, be it a worktable or invention table, it needs to do the following:
1. Only take salvage from bins in the same room. That way SG's can still use bins for personal storage in other parts of the base.
2. Tables will have to be able to check security permissions of whoever is using the table to verify they have authority to take items from the bins.
Now I and others have suggested in the past an Aux Workshop device that could be attached to a table and that device does those functions.
In a base with 16 salvage racks, it's a pain in the butt to find the right rack that happens to have the particular piece of salvage you're looking for.
I'm sure people will argue that better organization is the answer, and I agree with them. But I also don't see any harm in making the suggestion. Some possible ways to make it easier:
- Make the salvage auto-sort alphabetically in each rack
- Make all salvage racks access the same pool of salvage, and additional racks in the base increase the maximum size of that pool by 30 each.
- Make the crafting tables auto-pull from the salvage racks for any missing ingredients.
I'm sure it's a complicated process to achieve even one of these suggestions, but I'm sure crafters will agree that they'd all be nice to have.