Melee Oriented Widow Build, Please Critique




I too plan to run a Fortunata next.

That will be a completely different toon.

Death-Widow is my "In your face" toon.

The Fort I hope will turn out more like a Cor, keeping distance between herself and the Mobs.

I believe Novella pointed out up thread that they are different in their builds.

While Dual-Builds would allow me to create both in one toon, I'd much rather play the other one up and build her to perfection as well.

Well, as close to perfection as I can get, lol.

It would have to be a completely different toon though.

Death-Widow is about killing up close and personal.

The Future Fort toon is about rendering you helpless from a distance...and then killing you.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



I love my Night Widow and it sucks that I can't play her now, well I could but I'm choosing not too. Night Widow's are so much fun because of how versatile they are.

My Fortunata is growing on me more and more and I find myself comparing her to my Night Widow all the time even though she has surpassed my Night Widow since she is level 50 now. I have actually gotten compliments on my Fortunata when people team with her because she is the main attention getting before every fight. Her ranged defense and melee are each capped and she is a full Fortunata with all ranged attacks. I like the all ranged approach with her and its a completely different feel because she is basically a Blaster with mitigation for a secondary. I play my Fortunata more like a Controller/Blaster and she is nigh unkillable.

I tried to solo Ghost Widow the other day and it was a stalemate. She couldn't kill me and I couldn't kill her. I haven't tried to solo with my Night Widow because I can always get her on a team, but lately I have had to solo some on my Fortunata because the population just wasn't there.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)



Glad I could help you, now have fun with it. I can't wait until I can resume playing my Night Widow. I have retired her until Going Rogue is released, but in the mean time I did just ding 50 with my Fortunata a couple hours ago.

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But wait....why would you build a Night Widow and then roll a Fortunata to 50 "also"...when we have access to Dual Builds? Concept maybe? I'm not being a jerk...just wondering.

That's one thing I always loved about my Widow, he could be two toons in one without sacraficing anything or rolling a new toon haha (melee and ranged)

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Can't speak for Novella, but RP reasons would do it for me personally. My widow is a hero. My fortunata isn't. Two entirely different people. RP leads to many choices that don't make sense for non-RP'ers

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I never really thought of it that way.

In the case of my Night Widow she is an undercover Longbow Agent so she will be returning to Paragon City. I had her planned that way before Going Rogue was announced so it was perfect when they announced it, it allowed me to stop her at a good level so that I can still get all the good contact once I pull her over.

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My Night Widow is another version of one of my teen hero toons. I set up a story a while back where she was kidnapped by Nocturne while battling Arachnos in Faultline, and was then brainwashed to use her enhanced speed and agility as a Widow. When she was recovered by members of her SG, she devoted herself to stopping Arachnos.

Once I saw how Widows could be used to create the kind of toon I wanted from the start (an elec/dev blaster wasn't so easy to soft-cap of course) I decided to give it a shot and have her head to the Rogue Isles to try taking down Ghost Widow and Recluse. I'm looking forward to taking the Night Widow to Paragon City when the Going Rogue expansion comes long. She's almost level 41 now.


I am on the fence about my Fortunata going good or not. She is tired to my Psy/MM Blaster who I plan on taking to villains so it would only make sense for her to go good, but I am still on the fence because her back story could be taken either way.

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My planned Fortunata is only at level 8 so far. I doubt I'll be taking her to blue side though. She's much more ruthless and cold.

Daemonchilde: ((fluffy thinks he's a tank))
Demon . Hunter: (( I think mine is >.>
Daemonchilde: ((Yours is no longer fluffy, it is Obliteron, destroyer of worlds))



My Night Widow's true orgins start whens he was kidnapped by some Arachnos operative as a child and entered into the Night Widow training program. After successfully assassinating 9 targets, she was summoned by Lord Recluse for a special assignment. On that assignment she was given orders to assassinate her parents as a show of loyalty to Lord Recluse and Arachnos. There is a lot more to the story, but it ends up leading her to Longbow, etc.

My Fortunata was made after my Night Widow and after my Psi/MM Blaster. Initially I was going to just have the Fortunata be bad, but after playing my Blaster up to level 41 I got an idea on how there was a pact made before either of them were born were a Fortunata and Midnight Squad mystic exchanged children due to an ancient prophecy that said two children would be born to the opposite sides and cause great conflict.

I with the game gave more space to type out stories because these three characters have super long storys that I have type out, but can't fit in the game box for our backstories.

"People love to talk, but hate to listen." Alice Duer Miller, American Author (1874-1942)