Attn: Sarrate (or math inclined) -- ToHitBuff Q




Sarrate is probably the expert to go for, but from other folks' perspectives:

My ele/inv brute is looking at an alternative slotting of Thunder Strike which would put the accuracy around +20% - less than a single SO. My logic is, I'm not using the power unless I've got 3-4 guys around me, which invinc is pumping my hitbuff (no enhancements).

Does it make sense to leave it slotted like this and depend on the hitbuff? How will this work against +0-+4's?



This could be viable up to +1's, if you don't mind less-than-95% acc. After that, the tohit dropoff is too steep, and invince's tohit buff isn't strong enough.



This is really doom.



That sounds like IO slotting, what kind of +acc do you have from set bonuses? Do you have a Kismet? Are you enhancing Invincibility's +tohit?

If most of those are no/not much, I'd advise against it. There is a strong synergy between +tohit and +acc, having a good amount of both is stronger than just one or the other. Keep in mind that it's not just high level enemies that you need to deal with, but also enemies with heightened defense or generous helpings of tohit debuffs.

If you want to check out your tohit chance against enemies of varying level/defense without the math, you can check that out in MIDs. Options -> Configuration -> Exemping & Base Values -> Base To Hit. Check out the base tohit on the Purple Patch wiki page and plug it in. (If you want to simulate defense, subtract the def value from the base tohit. So a +2 with 10% def would give you a base tohit of 56 - 10 = 46%.)

There may be quirks here and there (ie: if you accidentally have a +buildup proc turned on), but that should give you a good idea of what tohit chances you're looking at. I normally build with that set for +4s, 39% base tohit. If I have a good chance against those (85% to 90%), then you'll be good for most of the game. (That's just become my standard, mind you. It may be overkill depending on what you're doing.)

(Oh, if you exemplar, keep in mind you may lose the +acc set bonuses if you exemplar too far. So even if it works at 50, it may break if you drop too low... if exemplaring is important to you, of course.)



No +acc from bonuses yet (working on capping smash/lethal defense) and unlikely to get better than kismet.



I'd personally try squeezing in more accuracy then. Right now, your tohit chances would look like this:

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre> Enemies in Invincibility
1 2 3 4
+0 92.4 94.8 95 95
+1 80.4 82.8 85.2 87.6
+2 69.6 72 74.4 76.8
+3 60 62.4 64.8 67.2
+4 49.2 51.6 54 56.4
+5 38.4 40.8 43.2 45.6</pre><hr />

With a Kismet:

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre> Enemies in Invincibility
1 2 3 4
+0 95 95 95 95
+1 87.6 90 92.4 94.8
+2 76.8 79.2 81.6 84
+3 67.2 69.6 72 74.4
+4 56.4 58.8 61.2 63.6
+5 45.6 48 50.4 52.8</pre><hr />

That assumes the enemies have no defense or tohit debuffs, of course.


