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Is there any way to set it so that incoming members don't have to worry about it overring their outfit? Likewise, is there anyway to manually override your own if you join one?



In the SG colors screen, if you scroll down the screen to the bottom, there's a check off button to disable showing the SG Emblem.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



There should be an option in the SG costume/ uniform menu that says "Hide SG Emblem" or somethingorother.

Edit: Serial said it better.



No, there is no way for the SG leader to set it to not appear on a member costume. Only the members can change their SG costume settings.

I have macros for my SG leaders to let new members know how to change this. They go something like this...

/macro SGC "say You don't have to wear SG colors or symbols if you don't want to but we would appreciate you playing in SG mode. To change your settings click on Super above your chat window, then click Settings and Continue to get to the costume screen. You can set your colors to your own there and at the bottom of the costume selections you can also check Hide SG Emblem. Welcome to the SG! Get out there and kick some.$$emote lecture"