Dark/Storm - What am I in store for?
I have a 50 Storm/Dark Defender which is easily my most damaging, chaos-enducing and best debuffing Defender. I can not see the Corrupter version being anything less than an absolute blast to play.
You will absolutely want to build for lots of recovery and endurance reduction, however. This combo is a beast. I would personally prefer to always be teamed, because Storm's powers are just so AOE tastic... you want more bodies to toss around!
I did not take the self-heal power on my Defender, but keep in mind the heal is only about a 15-20% heal even slotted up. It does moderate damage, tho', so it's a good attack.
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Well, you'll have a knockback from Storm Summoning that Dark Blast doesn't get on its own until Torrent. That'll be helpful at keeping things at shooting distance.

I consider myself fairly experienced with /Storm, since I had a fairly high Ice/Storm controller, but I wanted to know what sort of synergy was in store for me.
I've always tried to get in to Dark Blast, but never could. So, this is my foray in to it.
I know there's obvious synergy with Tenebrous Tentacles + Freezing Rain, since TT doesn't negate KB, but is this survivable? I plan on taking the self-heal at 26, which I'm sure will help.
Is this going to be an endurance hog? Is it a a better teaming or a solo corruptor?
I was able to resist the temptation to call myself "Dark, Stormy night" :P
Any feedback would be appreciated!
Always up for teaming with good players, so hit me up: @Deceivius and @Deceivius2