SS/WP Brute without Stamina?




Is there enough endurance recovery from Quick Recovery under Willpower to bypass getting Stamina?



And do what? You don't need either if you are runnng around with a /cold, having both is nice if you do a lot of AoE farming solo. I'd ask why your trying to not include it before I'd be willing to give an answer though.



Yes there is. SS/WP without stamina works. But I wouldn't really recommend it, one of the great things about SS/WP is having both available to handle the huge endurance demands of the SS primary.

Can you run without Stamina? Yes, with sufficient end reduction in the attacks and some set bonuses. I'd get it, though you don't need to have it in the early 20s IMO.



Is there enough endurance recovery from Quick Recovery under Willpower to bypass getting Stamina?

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Yes, but it may mean that you'll need to keep your global +recharge lower than you'd like and/or spend more INF/earn more merits than you'd like in order to obtain a Miracle(u) or Numina(u).

Repeat Offenders



before yo ustart to io out, yo udont need stamina for most /wp primary combinations. only exception to this is stone melee - it's an end pig.

once you start to io out - especially if you start to io out for global recharge - and if you pick up hasten, the combined hasten/rege end crash plus higher end useage from global recharge can mean endurance problems if you dont have stamina.



Thanks all for the input. I'm going to give it a shot see how it turns out.



I wouldn't recommend it. Looking at the numbers on both SS and SM, SS is just as endurance heavy as SM. Unless you're keeping jab, which most rarely do, your main attacks are gonna be 3 for Punch, 5 for Haymaker, 11 for Knockout and 14 for Foot Stomp. Compare that to 3 for SF, 5 for SM, 7 for HM and 11 for Seismic. *Note: These are IO'd numbers using the Crushing Impact set* The only thing that brings SM ahead endurance wise is the use of fault compared to the low cost of rage over a period of time, not to mention the rage crash you'll endure.

You'll be running at least 4 toggles all the time. 6 if you include Tough and Weave. There's at least 2 powers you don't need in Will Power. Consider losing those before you think about Stamina. Heck, consider losing an attack before you think about Stamina.

50 SM/WP Brute - D Block
50 FM/ELA Brute - Raging Daemon
50 Acher/MM Blaster - Dark Reiver
50 FM/SD - Firestorm Brigade

You were right to fear me...



If you don't take rage or hasten then yes.



Who plays SS without Rage?

50 SM/WP Brute - D Block
50 FM/ELA Brute - Raging Daemon
50 Acher/MM Blaster - Dark Reiver
50 FM/SD - Firestorm Brigade

You were right to fear me...



With QR, Stamina, both the Miracle and Numina's uniques, two Performance Shifter procs and ~50% endred in all my attacks, my SS/WP can still get dangerously low on end on occasion.

Fortunately, that's low on end, not completely out of end.

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Because of the toggle-heavy nature of WP, you will want to get Stamina.



With QR, Stamina, both the Miracle and Numina's uniques, two Performance Shifter procs and ~50% endred in all my attacks, my SS/WP can still get dangerously low on end on occasion.

Fortunately, that's low on end, not completely out of end.

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Wow...What is your attack chain?



My SS/WP Brute did 49 levels without Stamina. I took it at the end because... well I'd taken everything else I'd wanted. It's nice to have, but not necessary. Throw some +recovery bonuses in your build and make sure you slot end redux into most of your attacks and toggles, and you'll be fine.

This does not take into consideration if you're building for lots of global recharge and/or Hasten, however.

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Exactly my point. In other words, take stamina.



With QR, Stamina, both the Miracle and Numina's uniques, two Performance Shifter procs and ~50% endred in all my attacks, my SS/WP can still get dangerously low on end on occasion.

Fortunately, that's low on end, not completely out of end.

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Wow...What is your attack chain?

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Footstomp, Elec Fences, Ball Lightning. When this is your attack chain you need all the +recovery you can get.



Agreed my brute has, I believe, 4.62 recovery. .96/sec is lost to toggles and fences, ball lightning, and footstomp at between 150% and 250% recharge will eat through my end bar pretty bad without some sort of buffage. ST attack chain doesn't dent it though.



Hehe. sounds like we have a similar build. 4.69 and 1.11 on toggles so you are a little ahead there. And Im only at 146% and 246% when the +recharge proc hits.



Yeah I've been planning a respec lately to get out of fly and into leaping as well as improve my slotting in a few areas. Things like performance shifter procs (currently only running three efficacy adaptors) pvp io's and the like. But the gain I get from the cost is pretty slim and any major changes would be a new playstyle. Oh bother.