Looking for the final map of Ice Mistrel's SF

Blood Spectre



The title moer or less says it all. Where in the labrynthyn files of the mission architect can I fidn the unique oranbegan temple map with the spiraling cave beneath it used in the final mission fo Ice Mistral's Strike force?



Gee, dont everyone answer at once.



Seriously? I am really starting to hate this crusade the devs are on.



I don't think any maps have been pulled because of farming. They're usually pulled because of buggy or strange spawn points. The devs have said they'll fix the spawn points and reintroduce them, though I don't know how long that'll take. A lot of maps that were never introduced in the first place are TF maps that have TF-specific behavior that screws with the MA, or at least that's my understanding.

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It probably needs significant work in enemy and glowie spawn placements before it's available for player use.

Also, putting that map in a story arc would make you a bad person, because it is ridiculously huge. Outdoor maps are bad enough.

Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball



It was pulled in beta because the crystals gave tickets. There was some other reason as well, but it was mostly the 'hit one crystal, get thousands of tickets' problem.

It's probably on a list of maps that need to be fixed, but they don't have the manpower to fix 'em.



That makes more sense, Dinah. I am still deeply annoyed, but at least its a reasonable explination.