Spines/Fire/Body choices




Coming back and goofing off, I never was happy enough with my spines/fire. I really do like the power burn - against AVs and the like it's wonderful extra dmg.

At the moment I have a weapon mastery build (IO) and darkness mastery build (no IO).

I'm moving the weapon mastery to body mastery with Torrent & LBE as definite picks. Stated goal is to get better at farming and general play. This leaves me with a few problems/questions:

Pick 2: Ripper, Burn, Consume
Pick 1: Conserve power or Focused Accuracy?




I'd go with ripper and consume, and then focused accuracy. Consume will help with the endurance, focused accuracy will help with the +4 bosses, if you plan to join those farms, and ripper so you can take down those last lieutenants and bosses quickly when they manage to survive.




Pick 2: Ripper, Burn, Consume, Impale

... given I'm already 50 ... hmm. Consume + Impale or Consume + Ripper...



Focused Accuracy has become a bit of a Dud power.
It's End Cost is Huge, and it is easily replaced by a few decent IOs such as the Kismet Unique.

Conserve Power is definitely the better option there, and as it also solves most End woes, it probably answers the first question too,