Unaware and Aware NPC dialog firing at once




So I seem to be having an issue with the Mission Architect missions that I create.

First of all, when I enter a particular area (i.e. a 'floor' of a mission) all of the NPCs say their unaware and aware dialog all at once. Spamming me with chat bubbles through walls and across maps. They never repeat themselves either. After the floor is loaded there is a burst of talking then dead silence. It's hard to make the place seem alive like that.

Second: When I spawn a new mission objective (via finding a clue or something like that) guarded by enemies, they say nothing until I attack them or are right upon them. Then they spew all of their dialog at once.

Anyone able to tell me about this? I have posted this on the Architect Help Forum, but I figured I should report it here. The general consensus is that this is a bug... not an oversight on my part.



As for the "all at once when you enter", are the NPCs "single" hostages/allies by any chance? Because setting them at single doesn't actually make them guarded by 0 enemies: it sets the enemies then kills the foes, freeing the hostage. They then follow their coded instructions (chat, clue, etc) accordingly.

Dunno about the second situation =/


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Some of it may depend on the map and the spawn points. Small maps especially, and those using spawn points near the entrance, could trigger the Unaware and Aware dialog. It's fairly common for the Unaware and Aware dialog to all come at once, and if the spawn points are close enough to you when you enter that particular area, it could trigger all of the dialog to play at once.

As for the second item, I really don't know since I quit using triggered spawns. However, spewing the dialog all at once is, as I noted above, quite common. I just don't know why you are having to attack or get right on them before they start talking.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



So I seem to be having an issue with the Mission Architect missions that I create.

First of all, when I enter a particular area (i.e. a 'floor' of a mission) all of the NPCs say their unaware and aware dialog all at once. Spamming me with chat bubbles through walls and across maps. They never repeat themselves either. After the floor is loaded there is a burst of talking then dead silence. It's hard to make the place seem alive like that.

Second: When I spawn a new mission objective (via finding a clue or something like that) guarded by enemies, they say nothing until I attack them or are right upon them. Then they spew all of their dialog at once.

Anyone able to tell me about this? I have posted this on the Architect Help Forum, but I figured I should report it here. The general consensus is that this is a bug... not an oversight on my part.

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It's a bug, and it's been there since day one of the MA. I've bugged it for Battle NPCs and Guard NPCs. It may get fixed, or it may not.