Claws/Inv vs Claws/Regen




All right, plain and simple, I really want to level either one of these. Specifically, I want one for AVs, survivability, etc. Unfortunately, I can't decide which I like more right now.

The Regen build I threw together has 32.6% melee def, 20.7 ranged and AoE def, about 30-ish seconds downtime on Hasten, attack chain Slash->Follow Up->Slash->Focus with no gaps.

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA593CB7212511086CF000909D7200472235713488049D 8795958A5B99818AC1|
|8340B4D428DE498905040019666E703B8D2851BDD797D04CB 95AFA1BE8917ECEEFF|
|C0C6A553C9FFCDE9E93EE7EF69A6F07435A0D4B36BCA0ADDA 83AAD56A9586E3A8D8|
|66E7A6F3BEDC74DA7AABC4AA958375A2AE8AAD636A53E6925 7BC155FD48D75ADADE|
|D5C7BAA69B4EBB52AF45366B27BAA96B6DBB7BE3DBA9D7AB7 6B1A1F551506ED72BC|
|727ED4AED3820AB6DED346811EE2E8E74B375526944D61A95 B27DBD7E745E2A38AD|
|B66E9E8F90A145FAAFB033B93A7DEA3E21A55C0F807D81E70 03814F49704AB5C654|
|9955BEDD14D5EF56F59FC64E09EAC7C9BB23AF59A34DADD4A B9E4495A1058049604|
|173282D8574254AD51951B552E7751F68B1504F10DD9F68C1 2FACCB67D3FA534FE4|
|B30F21BF82318EB00BC5B5E55A9CAAB5C52E53D551C1A3813 84B460B22C9846ABD3|
|687583AA064DAB83309382991CCC2C67A46A96F2FCC873F91 14A0126619D1282262|
|1F8428C855EA2FB57829B94103609E13B72C4D02D604D4EAA 5142C4B41DC949CD8C|
|0D2C0BE6560417F3C06B69C0F2F23B455514139EC4842731E 1194C388FB6F368DB4|
|D55C3A852C3093A3EA93C144A9837911816631343804F90F5 88CD38E58D22CF33FA|
|0D56BE0B167E00284EC5045B943E6E4E1AC7ABDAA450123BA 8645642750A4D992EA|
|630F2698C3C8791E730F2658C3C8F9147A86AD6589E85C939 589E83D72CAC6C53DE|
|BCF9C5CDC3C302B084842825A4CDF1E9B772C4E23BE03DF04 1B0F411F884C152550|
|6C75B9919D92F0B24E8896D9AB6D3122A92E315135AC1E113 9EDEC7497F74A9ED7F|
|223B9EDE27A62C894C797A1FE77F5D9F03DD7D06777DA4775 97648AC3DBEDB6739E|
|0E521DF397CF790A5CCCBCE9740D769F8121BBACC7285E52A CB734EF2FA49FC2C01|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />

The Inv has 46.2% SL def, 38.7% EN def, and 29.9% FC def (all with one foe), 67.5% SL res, 20.5% FC, 11.1% EN, picks up Aid Self, I think it runs the same attack chain as the Regen but has to tack on a Swipe at the end (I haven't checked the numbers, also, it's inferior because of subpar slotting), and it looks like it may run into end problems (again, didn't check the numbers). It's also a lot cheaper since it has absolutely no purples, but that's not a huge difference to me. Plus, it actually gets some Def debuff res.

<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy &amp; Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DAA553CB52134114ED492604C89B00E199274F0381EC545 44A7C62112B1264A55|
|221B464601852497CB0F3035CB9D08D54A93B3FC172E56FA8 9FA0FE42BCF79E4936|
|BBE52F5D0AA29BF526AB81BDB2B695BEB02095FB4D2BDE04D FD543B2D5DD8749E3F|
|B31DDDACEE5BB6D53E8B6D3A75DDD44EBBD01D04CBA7A776E 1B6D57674AB85C996A|
|E362CE730E4AE1CD6DBBD59491F5835CBD1B15B0DAB56D838 3D38DB2B555B6DDD3C|
|1B234F8BF4AFB339793A5E5526CA2ACF03D0B69059115A639 D213A53256830ADE69|
|344F36A3E0B4A092D66848EFCAE5A757C06CA06513688B261 940DE73D4A15D5D037|
|A2B8BA42595E6CE2F5A2BA89EAFD3910AA1F93CEE756F7FDF 6B099BE5FA03F42CBB|
|6E2B2C51390236453965F5C757C7E78CAC053069E72F094CB 8B7CE6B358BB4A5903|
|D8CB33503138345802DD11337D2408C0B40A2C48AA9F42218 43CA15D1127EF8938F|
|3505AB74E82887BD0080E1AC541A338E8100EEA902EE61E34 F6516A0F7F027D109A|
|3A174ABE572C4F16C5723F65C5DDEDE3EF2434F306F456689 40423EE658E8C88BFD|
|128E8BB08C67E807E0A25489E705B908060028209084E4830 EEDA1CAF4B68D1021D|
|095D3806D9A013A1EB943569C87D7827E1620A2E960741A63 4C1F073CBD0AC69DCD|
|B0AEE6D05F7B6827BF3922EE5363585A6A6D1D4349A9A4653 37489785CEC862DFDC|
|B090492BB36E8559ACCCC1D11C1CCDC1D134E916E0482DCCC 80DA42894774DE6774|
|4BC741F745772963684AE91AEE0BE2D852549AD78955A45AA B18A77AF089A327B1F|
|27FDE8515BFF44CA66EF4B5386445266EF53FDAFE74BB05B6 7607B907087A14C60E|
|CF2E811C3639E3EE1519547FB0C359E76BE06BB4E2317D9D0 2586CB0C6B0CAF59E4|
|0F100418820C218630438421CA1067186598603867E8FC05D D40EE6C|
|-------------------------------------------------------------------|</pre><hr />

Any thoughts on which is going to pull off AV soloing better is very welcomed. Tweak around the builds all you want. They're not concrete at all aside from the obvious stuff. Help me out! Werner, if you read this, maybe see how they rank in your survivability spreadsheet.



Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. The DPS is definitely going to be lower on the Inv, but the survivability is going to be higher. Hopefully, though, there are some holes in the defenses (on both builds) that could be bridged. Maybe bring all of the defenses up on the Regen, and bring up EN and FC on the Inv without losing damage. Another problem for the Inv build, however, is the vastly lowered accuracy on all of the attacks. All of them except Focus have Kinetic Combat, so they only have 22.94% accuracy. I moved a slot from Health into a def power for +6 % tohit, but that's still not nearly enough.

Ah hell. Time to calculate the DPS of each.

Not taking in double-stacked Follow Up or Build Up procs (or terrible slotted accuracy for the Inv) or +end procs, the Inv has a DPS of 147.92 and a total end loss of .64 e/s. That means it runs out of end in 177.5s. With some +end procs, that should be able to make it back to Conserve Power with relative ease. The Regen has 198.2 DPS (! did not expect it to be that radically different) and has a net end loss of 0.72 e/s (no Tough running), running for 152.7... sec, easily reaching Conserve Power thanks to Hasten, even considering Hasten downtime I would imagine. Of note, however, is that the Gaussian's build up is in Follow Up for the Inv rather than in Tactics like for the Regen. That means it would be up slightly more often, but not enough to come close to closing the gap. Not to mention the Regen is going to have double FU for more - and better - attacks. Probably just one more Slash instead of a Strike, but that's still a large difference.



well for the E/NE def, a lot of big damaging energi attack got a component of smashing or lethal too.

I wouldn't worry too much about of this.

You might have a look to your end consuption too, i'm not really sure that you need CP on the invul build.

On my spine / invul i've got more end consuption from toggle, but i don't have the Miracle +recovery. And i don't really miss end on a single attack target chain.

YOu lost 8% regen by not slotting 2 serpendity in weave/invincibility too, but perhaps it's intended ?

As for the accuracy it might be a little too few liek you said, 22% if you debuffed you will hit nothing.