Itf and rsf




I was on my bane the other day and performed survilance on the nitus and Rom. I had read on the forums how Rom is weak to imm (as if anyone uses imm) but what struck me was that the nitus has a hold protection of 550!

We all know that sleep is a tactic for rsf. But it suprised me that both Rom and the nitus are susceptible to sleep.

I was already thinking about how to rebuild my perm-doms with the i15 changes. But now it seems clear to me that sleeps not holds are the way to go.



Sleeps don't work perfectly for the nictuses (nictii?). Even when slept 2 of them still perform their function, most notably the healing one still heals. It's weird.



Oh yeah and FYI most all AV/Hero/EB are easily immob or slept.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



Great. Its the only mez they are weak to and its still doesn't work. So which ever dom I bring to itf I'm just a damage dealer I guess.



Mind and Fire can permahold romulus which is certainly useful. Ice can too depending on the level of Romulus.



Yes, I've held Rom which is nice but it doesn't really add that much to the fight.

Its the nitus with the free auto hit and the heal that are the problems. I'm just trying to find a way that bring a dom makes a difference. My stalker and bane both hack away but my dom...



Hold rom and break LOS. Tadaa... the issue isn't the dom in this case its the player. Besides once Rom is defeated the nictus all poof. You know that lil "target-------> Romulus<----- He needs a spankin!!"

The topic isnt a dominator issue as far as the current mechanic of the archetype. If any player doesnt know how to ttrget or break LOS in an ITF please do pm me. Rsf is a bit different depending on team compilation as far as strategies. I disagree with the Op's assertion that dominator's bring nothing compared to other archetypes to the 2 encounters cited.