DM/SR Endurance Questions




Hey all...I am building my own little min/maxer here and at lvl 39 I just can't seem to keep my blue bar from dropping like a rock.

Unfortunately I thought of this while at work and I don't have access to my complete build.

I do have all three stamina procs slotted (Num, Miracle and Perf Shift) and Stamina with 3 lvl 35 IO's.

It just seems I am missing something huge. Like I forgot to do...<insert thing to do here>... Know what I mean?

Any suggestions?

I am thinking that slotting my attacks with sets will be the deal breaker. Right now I am slotting standard IO's as he is only lvl 39 and I am waiting on sets for when I hit 50.



Sets will help a ton. I have mine fully slotted and in long fights(AVs and Pylons) I still have to rely on Dark Consumption and Conserve Power.

Make sure your accuracy is high enough in each attack, a miss is wasted endurance. Also make sure each attack has an endurance reducer.

Without seeing your build, I can't really give more advice than that. Whenever you get home post your current build and we can have a look at it and suggest some potential changes.

But why wait until level 50 to slot sets? Most of my set IOs are level 33(so I can exemplar), and I get good numbers out of them. I have tons of recovery and soft capped without a problem.



It just seems I am missing something huge. Like I forgot to do...<insert thing to do here>... Know what I mean?

[/ QUOTE ]

Slot your attacks for endurance reduction? Get Dark Consumption and slot it for recharge?