Freedom Ventrilo Users




PM Sent. Cold told me last night that he's ok with having everyone on Vent but keep in mind it is capped at 10 players.

Also, the best way to Freedom it is to join us on our Horde activities. I'm not sure if you are already signed up (damn multiple names for the same person game!) but Luna hosts regualr TFs every Monday evening. That's the best place to start.



Does mature include M rated off-topic comedy?

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



LOL sure......and the 10 limit is only until people cant get in cuz there are 10 in there a lot....i can raise it from there if need will just cost me a lil more for the server....if it gets a bit much....we can discuss it.



Sure... I'm not the most active of people, but when I am online, it is more fun to do it with voice. That was one thing I liked about WoW - they added the voice function for teams, etc, and while it was a little slow at times, it was rather cool. Wonder if I still have Vent on my computer...*ponder*

J-Man- Lieran, if you were Paris Hilton, I'd be the chihuahua in your purse.



I am a very active player. I just happen to not team much. One big reason is I don't like to type while running around. Everyone ends up assuming I don't speak English. My typing skills involve me looking at the keyboard, so its either talk or play. Plus, I have this overwhelming need to not type stuff like omg, lol, ppl, etc. Can't play looking at the keyboard. Oddly enough, I can hit all the keys for powers, movement, etc just fine without looking.

Anyway, my wife got me a headset with a mic so I could talk to people in game. So I'd love to get the info. You can PM me here or in game. My global is @Squirrelly Wrath



PMs sent with info to Squirrelly and Lieran.



Can I get a PM with the vent info? I haven't been playing much because it's kinda boring playing solo or pug-ing.

Global - @Seigi no Akuma | Freedom mains:
Galvanized Justice - Electric Melee/Shield Scrapper
Overclocked Justice - Fire Blast/Traps Corrupter
Insanguinato - Fire Blast/Kinetics Corrupter
Insanguinata - Night Widow/Fortunata



PM Sent



thanks for the invite! I had fun hanging out with you all on Saturday during what was supposed to be my nap. :P too bad you missed out on Psynapse, but believe me, there's tons of stuff going on. You just need to know where to look. Personally, I'd add Freedom TFs and keep an eye out there. People usually advert stuff going on there.

J-Man- Lieran, if you were Paris Hilton, I'd be the chihuahua in your purse.



Segi joined us last night when we completed a midnighter run. Glad you joined us Segi!

See everyone tonight



Thanks to Cold & Flu for getting this going! Makes the game SO much more fun & engaging. *salute*



Could I get a PM with the Vent Info?



Thanks to Cold & Flu for getting this going! Makes the game SO much more fun & engaging. *salute*

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree. I may have to pass Cold some $$ to accomodate all our new users.



Could I get a PM with the Vent Info?

[/ QUOTE ]PM sent



Can I get a pm with the ventrilo info also?



Can I get a pm with the ventrilo info also?

[/ QUOTE ]PM sent



Originally Posted by Cold_Dodger View Post
I'm looking for people on freedom server who use Ventrilo. I have my own small vent server and would enjoy some voice chat with mature players.(mature in personality) I have an sg so dont need one of those, just ppl to chat with while playing CoX. If you need an sg and you seem mature enough id be happy to invite you. Please send message to @Cold Dodger and and ill reply with vent info, or reply here with your @global and ill send your global the vent info. Male or female is fine. Im not a lonely or needy guy, i just enjoy voice chatting while playing. Its also useful for planning mish strategies :-)

Cold Dodger
Thanks again for making this available. It was really fun grouping with you on Sunday during that ITF with Generic, etc. Also, giving your thread a bit of a /bump cuz it is a neat thing yer willing to share.

J-Man- Lieran, if you were Paris Hilton, I'd be the chihuahua in your purse.



I'd like the Vent info as well plz. I haven't played w/ vent yet and i think it will add a new fun element to the game. fyi i'm usually a weekend warrior due to work. also, hit me up in game anytime at @ARCTICKILL. i have toons of all lvls.



Anyone else looking for a crew to Vent with? It has become a lil quiet lately due to that other game coming out, but still have a cpl that join in from time to time. If interested just let me know with a reply or a PM.



Cold I was being stupid and forgot to keep the info, if you could resend it to me i'll join ya on vent and game.



can i be silly and still join?



Info sent to u3 and silliness is always welcome :-)



Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
I set it up late last night (i went out after work) but no one was on. I'll pop on tonight earlier.
I was on last night briefly, but I went to sleep early. I'll probably pop on later tonight as well