Freedom Ventrilo Users




I'm looking for people on freedom server who use Ventrilo. I have my own small vent server and would enjoy some voice chat with mature players.(mature in personality) I have an sg so dont need one of those, just ppl to chat with while playing CoX. If you need an sg and you seem mature enough id be happy to invite you. Please send message to @Cold Dodger and and ill reply with vent info, or reply here with your @global and ill send your global the vent info. Male or female is fine. Im not a lonely or needy guy, i just enjoy voice chatting while playing. Its also useful for planning mish strategies :-)

Cold Dodger



I've been lookinf for the same thing ... I used to play Call of Duty with a vent server and love being able to talk with my fellow players. I'll try to look you up... my global is @adogg



tried to send a msg in-game but it says @adogg doesnt exist.



I'd probably join that. @Mind Siphoner - Usually available 11pm EST or later.

H: Victra Defile (Rad/Dark) & Hot Hits (Fire/SD)
V: Spike Cream (NW) & Crescent Wind (Nin/Storm)
Sub Hero Inc ARC: 1541
--If you don't like what I have to say, it was probably a typo you are refering to.



i am new to CoH/CoV i just started playing 2 days ago and i am loving it a lot but i could use some help aroud the game and stuff i do have vent i am 23 years old and live in florida so i am EST i am an active player so i will b on a lot my toons are

t bird

neather toons are lvl 10 so i cant send e-mail yet but i would love to join ur SG and vent



I'll look you up tomorrow night



how do i find out what my @ is and what exactly is an @






I'll most likely be on this evening around 6ish EDT til 10-11EDT. This is my normal play times other than mornings when im on usually from 6am - 10ish am (barring maintenence). Hope to cyall there. :-) Send a msg to Blue Suede Shade when you get on since that is the toon ill most likely start on.



Ahh ... I'll be playing Flu-Shots (as always) but I may miss you ... send me PM on the forums with the Vent info.



Sent PMs with the vent info to all of you that were so far interested.



Well, my Vent is kinda sittin' there... collecting dust. That's its favorite hobby, and it going well for it.

Anyways, my global is @Sc0rn. I'm usually on during the night on most days.



See you online tonight I hope



If anyone else would be interested in joining our little vent server....feel free to pm me here on the boards and i can get you the vent info you need to join us.....we have 3 new ppl in there and its been a lot of fun.






If anyone else is looking for a Vent to hang out on while they do whatever, just let me know...



I'll give it a shot, right now I only use vent for chatting with an RL friend occasionally - would be nice to use it regularly with a group. Throw me the info when you get a chance.


"You know Joe, When Matt and his brother Mark Hughes were growing up they would pound each other behind the barn." - Mike Goldberg



I'd be up for trying this also. I haven't used voice chat since I was with Phoenix Prime. It was always so much more fun and easy when you can talk to each other. My global is @whitefox and I'm on Freedom quite a bit.



I sent you both PMs in the forums with the info. Talk to you soon!



Thanks! I'm working nights this week but I'll be playing some during the days. On vacation next week so I should be back to playing nights.



I play on Freedom and use Vent as well, I would like to join your server. PM here is fine, my global ingame name is Drummer Hoff.



Forum PM sent ...



Thanks for keeping up with the thread Flu....appreciate it.



Trow me info, i might drop in if i get bored, trying to get into the freedom community is rather hard ;P