Deleting Critters




For the life of me i just cant seem to figure this out.
I made a custom enemy for my arc and Im just now realizing that I dont need him anymore. But for some reason, I cant find a deletion button. I see a remove button, but no delete. I really need to clear space on my arc so he's obviously the first to go.

Any Help?

- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own



You can delete details, which will remove all the relevant references to critters (or groups). Once the references to critters or groups are gone from an arc, the arc stops putting them in the file and taking space.

To remove critters from groups, you have to edit the group, rather than the mission (although there is an "edit group" button in certain places in the mission editor, which will take you to the group editor).

Neither of these actually deletes the critter from your file system. To do that, you have to delete the critter from the list of critters in the "My Custom Creations" main list. However, I believe that this will only work if you've already removed all references to that critter from groups and missions.

I'm not particularly happy with how that all works, by the way; it seems tedious. Sometimes I resort to editing all the filesystem elements by hand rather than doing it through the UI.

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



For the life of me i just cant seem to figure this out.
I made a custom enemy for my arc and Im just now realizing that I dont need him anymore. But for some reason, I cant find a deletion button. I see a remove button, but no delete. I really need to clear space on my arc so he's obviously the first to go.

Any Help?

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The easiest way to remove a custom critter from your mission, is to edit the mission, go to where ever the custom group is that has that custom critter in it, and edit that group. Delete the critter from that group, save it, go back to the mission editor, save that, then exit the MA completely. If you just delete the character from the Custom Group or Custom Characters editors, it will still exist in the mission file and will not be removed from the mission.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Also custom characters have a "home" group, if you edit the custom critter and put it into a new say "Deleted" group then it should make it simpler to clean it up.